| Newton MA News and Politics BlogHere’s one thing that the YES and NO sides of the charter debate agree on: Ward representation is important — so much so that both sides feature the phrase in much of their campaign materials. The YES side says that the proposed new city charter “preserves ward representation.” The NO side says that the proposed new city charter will “eliminate ward representation.”

So what does “ward representation” mean? The YES side seems to be saying that to represent a ward, a Ward Councilor need only be a resident of that ward. The NO side seems to be saying that to represent a ward, a Ward Councilor needs to be elected by the voters of that ward.

There’s something here that’s clearly an important concept. Something called “ward representation” is seen as something highly valued by Newton voters — something to be preserved. But what is it?

Here’s a graphic illustrating the YES campaign’s view:

 | Newton MA News and Politics BlogAnd here’s a graphic more illustrative of the NO campaign’s view:

 | Newton MA News and Politics Blog