| Newton MA News and Politics BlogFor the last three years the Newton Nomadic Theater has been running wildly popular Nomad Story Slam events.  There couldn’t be a simpler format.  People come, throw their name in the hat to tell a personal 5 minute story on a given theme.  These nights have been amazing – regular people telling all kinds of wild and wonderful, touching and terrifying stories.

In our first season we had a few elected officials – Mayor Setti Warren, Councilors Scott Lennon and David Kalis and the School Committee’s Margie Ross-Decker come and tell stories.  We’ve heard from many people since then, that those stories cemented in their mind just who these people are.  Whenever they see their name in print, they think of their story.

So this time around we’re trying something completely different to celebrate the upcoming election and all the people who are running to represent us in all the elected positions – Mayor, City Council and School Committee.

Candidates are not just a set of policies and platforms.  They are real people with real lives and sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of that.  For this Nomad Story Slam we have invited all 27 candidates who are running for contested elections plus a few other mystery guests. 

Their job that night is not to tell us why to vote for them or detail their resume or outline their policies but to share with us a personal story.  Unlike our normal events, they are allowed to tell a story on any theme they like so long as it’s true and happened to them – dramatic, touching, funny, insane, scary, heartfelt, simple – whatever they like.

We just sent out the invitations and we already have 14 definite yes’es, so if you’re a candidate and you’re interested, you better respond soon since the number of slots is limited to approx 20.

The event will be on Friday Nov 3, 7:30 PM at Gregeorian Rugs.  Admission is $10 and all proceeds support the Newton Nomadic Theater.  It’s a key to how we keep the theater thriving.  Many, many thanks as always to Scott Gregorian and Gregorian Rugs.  He and his business are a tremendous supporter of both our theater and the community at large.

Click Here For More Information and Tickets


 Between now and then, don’t miss the Newton Nomadic Theater’s God of Carnage which runs through Oct 29 with performances at Bocca Bella in Auburndale, the Finch-Robinson living room in Waban, the Newton Community Farm, a barn in Sudbury and Dunn Gaherins Pub in Upper Falls.

Tickets and Info here

Like a roller coaster ride of character development. Prepare to laugh, no DRAMAmine required. – David Coffin

Last night restored my faith in the cathartic power of theater.  A delightful resonance for anyone who’s ever done battle with political correctness, hamsters, competitive parenthood/ social mores and of course cell phones versus tulips!  In short – bloody darn funny! – Steve Vaughan

This fast paced performance surprises at every turn, hilarious and terrifying and delightful all at once.  – Marilee Ogren

Brilliant show, truly gripping – the quality you would expect in a major city theatre on your doorstep! – Andy North