Share your observations at the polls today, including if you can, the vote count at the machine in your ward and precinct.
Preliminary day in Newton: Polls open until 8 p.m.
by Greg Reibman | Sep 12, 2017 | Mayor's race, Newton | 40 comments
by Greg Reibman | Sep 12, 2017 | Mayor's race, Newton | 40 comments
Share your observations at the polls today, including if you can, the vote count at the machine in your ward and precinct.
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12th voter in 2/2
20th voter in 1/8, 7:40 am
Outside Bigelow:
– 3 Lennon signs
– 1 Fuller
– 1 Sangiolo
– 1 Ray-Canada (school committee)
– 1 yes on charter
First voter in 5/2! Quiet in the AM.
Voter #20 at 5-1 at 7:40am. Still very quiet.
Voter 59 at 5/2 at 8:30
Just dropped my son off at Burr and I counted 4 Lennon signs, 3 Fuller signs, 1 Sangiolo signs, and one for writing in Alison Sharma. BUT, it is not my polling place so I will be heading over to Peirce to vote soon.
Pelligrini: one of each of the three mayoral, plus one for Maria S-G.
Voter #73 at 3/3 at 8:29. Voted for Amy. I hope anyone who wants a real choice in November will, too. Here’s why: (It’s a voting record comparison on my Google Drive.)
And here’s Amy’s Get Out the Vote video:
Forgot to count signs, but I did see an Amy, a yes on charter, and a big Firefighters for Lennon on a truck.
Voter 94 at 3/2 (Peirce) at 8:45. Saw two other voters. One sign holder each for the Big Three, standing near the front door, though many voters enter through the back door where there’s parking. I walked on this beautiful day.
I was 52 at 8:15 am at Mason Rice (6/4). Good luck to candidates today.
I was the 123 voter at Ward 4, Precinct 2 (Hamilton Community Center) at 9:30am.
#129 at 3/3 around 9:45am.
Very quiet at 8-4 this morning as I held a Sangiolo sign and met two very nice folks holding signs for other candidates. I also met a few amiable voters. (Amiable — get it?)
In all the times I’ve held a sign at a polling place, this was one of the few times that I know I actually won a vote for my candidate on the spot. I got into a conversation with one voter, and she said she decided to vote for Amy based on our conversation.
10:00 am
W5-P4 147
W5-P3 155
Leave it to Terry Malloy to vote in two precincts when there isn’t even a “Terry Malloy” on the voter rolls!
76 at Emerson in Upper Falls (5-1), 9:30 AM
#8 at 6/3 earlier this morning at around 7 when polls had just opened.
#7, #56, and #138 in 2-3 :-).
Had good company while I was there. Disagree without being disagreeable….
Jack: hope you don’t mind but I’ve added that photo to the thread.
@Jack I love that photo! The next two months are going to be tough and I hope we all keep in mind how much more brings us together than divides us.
I voted at 4/1 at 7:15. The scanner was broken, though, so we were submitting ballots manually and didn’t get a count. Thinking tonight’s results from 4/1 might come in late?
Number 120 at Bigelow Middle School, Newton Corner (1/3) at 10:30 a.m. Exactly one sign holder standing outside, representing Scott Lennon.
Voter #213 st 11:00 in 2/3 Senior Center. 4 Lennon, 4 Fuller sign holders. Surprised there were no Sangiolo signs.
One woman outside asking me how to register to vote.
Priceless photo. Thanks for sharing Jack.
@greg: terry follows the well known admonition: vote early…and often! W5 P4 and W5 P3 vote in the same room on different sides but it is easy to check out voter numbers on completion of voting, especially when virtually no one is there voting!
I wish we could offer a tax deduction to anyone who votes and double or triple the reward if it’s a Preliminary or Primary.
Nobody outside at Peirce. At pickup at Burr, there were different people holding signs. This time it was 3 Lennon, 2 Fuller, 1 Sangiolo, 1 Cecchinelli. I forgot to see which # voter I was at Peirce.
#197 W5/P2 at 2pm. Just one sign holder for Sangiolo at Hyde.
At about 10 this morning at 3/4 (Franklin) there were a few Lennon signs, including a couple of Firefighters for Lennon, and one Sangiolo sign. No Fuller sign holders. Though, based on lawn signs, this neighborhood has been pretty solid Lennon territory with a bit of Sangiolo thrown in.
Voter 109 at that point in the day.
#321 in Ward 4/2. No sign holders at 2:45pm. Solid Amy territory.
#341 at 6/4 a little after 2:00. No signs outside–not that I’d expect any at such a slow time of day–but I did see one each for Sangiolo, Lennon, and Fuller on adjacent lawns along Tyler Terrace. It’s that kind of election.
#205 @ 9:30 AM at Ward 2, Precinct 1
330 at 4/2 at 3:15.
3:50 p.m. 243 8/3
I met a woman who just moved to Newton. I loved seeing a newcomer voting in a preliminary election! Something’s working right.
289 Voters
4:44 PM
Number 387 at Ward 1/1 at 5:30 pm. No lines…
Two Lennon sign holders and a quick sighting of the candidates’ wife and daughter.
Candidate remorse shaping up..
My son was voter #407 at Ward 4, Precinct 2 (Hamilton Community Center) at 5:25pm.
2/1 was at 391 when I left at 5:40 or so tonight. Lots of Amy and Lennon signs.
#461 at 6/1
471 at 4/1 around 7:15p, small trickle of people filtering in and a few Lennon signs outside along with one or two Sangiolo and Fuller signs.
Ward 8 precinct 3 at 7:15:
One Fuller sign, one sign for Eli Katzoff, Two Sangiolo signs.
Forgot to check vote count but seemed relatively active.