Newton voters will narrow the field of seven candidates for mayor to two in a preliminary election tomorrow, Tuesday Sept. 12. Polls will open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.
Several but not all of the candidates have made video pitches for their campaigns. Here’s the links to the ones we’ve been able to find (in ballot order), including one from Eli Katzoff that briefly appeared as a separate thread yesterday. (If we are missing any, please send us the link using the “contact” function at the top of the page).
I decided on Scott Lennon.
Also, I hope we see more of Eli Katzoff in local politics. I like his vision and energy but would like to see him in another role before I would cast my vote for him for mayor.
I’m going with Ruthanne Fuller. I have watched all the debates posted here, and she seems to have the best overall view of the issues that affect the city. In particular, I think making Newton more pedestrian- and bike-friendly would be a high priority for her administration.
+1 for Eli Katzoff – he will get my vote if he runs for city council in the future.
Fuller and Katzoff or maybe Fuller and Woodward
This election is a tough one for me to decide. I’m vacillating between Lennon and Fuller. Still.
I too hope Eli runs for city council and stays involved in Newton until then. I like his fun, energy and forum participation.
@Elmo – you only get to choose one.
I have two thoughts going into tomorrow that I’d like to share.
1. I’m failing to see why Fuller’s contributions to mainstream Republicans are a litmus test issue for some people. She has a long history of votes and positions that directly relate to Newton that are much more likely to indicate where she would stand as mayor.
2. It’s a shame that one of our three very qualified city councilors will be eliminated tomorrow. They’ve each given so much to our city.
I wish I knew about this sooner, but here’s how the candidates feel about arts and culture.
Greg wrote:
So true. I hope all three of them are going into tomorrow feeling proud of how they campaigned, and I applaud all of the candidates for having the courage to run.
@Greg: I just submitted a comment on another thread on this site that seems very similar to this thread, so will expound about regarding your first point. …
I wouldn’t describe Councilor Fuller’s contribution to Republican candidates as a “litmus test” for my vote. I could still envision voting for her, despite my concerns about this. But it raises some questions in my mind since the priorities she seems to hold, as expressed both in her actions on City Council and in her campaign materials, would not be the same as the priorities to which she has directed significant amounts of money in the last decade. It just seems strange to me that a progressive candidate would make several donations to Republican candidates and Republican PACs on a state and federal level. Not necessarily disqualifying, but it seems like a disconnect for which I’d love to hear more of an explanation. If she supports what those candidates and PACs support, then great, own it. But to say you identify as a Democratic candidate and support the progressive ideals expressed by their platform, but then contribute heavily to Republican candidates (as well, to be fair, also to Democratic candidates), is something that I think fair to ask about and relevant to what she will prioritize if elected mayor
@Elmo – unfortunately you can only vote for 1 candidate. The top 2 vote getters advance to the November election.
I’m voting for Ruthanne Fuller. I’ve worked with her over the past several years on a variety of community issues and have been very impressed with her style and political and business acumen. I think she would make a terrific Mayor that Newton would be proud of. Please check out her website for more info give her a call if still undecided:
@Eli – stay involved. I love your energy, enthusiasm and infectious spirit to engage the community.
I am voting for Fuller. She is bright and knows how to approach issues in an open minded and thorough way. I have been impressed with her work as a councilor and particularly appreciate the way that she carefully listens to the concerns of her constituents. I echo the sentiment of others that Eli should stay involved in Newton politics! Such great energy and positivity!
No matter who you plan to vote for, PLEASE PLEASE VOTE TOMORROW! So important, folks. And lastly….Thanks to all 7 who have put themselves out there in this election. You make our City better.
I only just saw that Arts & Culture questionnaire myself. Rather daunting essay questions, appropriate for the arts, I guess. But not much time to digest the answers, which were quite interesting. Did not know Amy was in commercials before age 10, and having to choose either piano or ballet at age 12! I wonder if that will be in the NewTV documentary tonight.
The Newton Tree Conservancy posted the responses to our questionnaire on tree issues last week. You can see how the candidates answered our mostly more focused, less open-ended, questions at
FYI, here’s a one-stop link to what looks like all of Amy’s videos:
I particularly hope anyone who hasn’t been to Court Street lately will watch the Real Affordable Housing one, for a look at the last 40B approved before the Planning Department got serious about adding up the 1.5% acreage, and the city acquired leverage to demand more appropriately sized projects.
More later, gotta see a guy about a tree.
Fuller’s donations to Republicans aren’t a litmus test, but a question on her candor and honesty. She has gone out of her way to describe herself as a progressive Democrat– she didn’t need to do that– rather than a centrist Democrat. Her explanations of the donations– claiming that Romney was simply a family friend (it was election for POTUS for goodness sake, not the local notary public) and minimizing the other donations, rather than giving an honest explanation– that’s a legitimate concern. Contributing to the opponent of Barack Obama– not once, but twice– is not the behavior of a progressive Democrat.
People can shift political preferences over time, and perhaps she’s become more liberal in the last few years. But that wasn’t her explanation. Given that other legitimate questions about her honesty exist as well, its an important data point.
@Paul: That’s a reasonable answer. Thanks.
Councilor Fuller,
I’m writing to request that you set the record straight on the details of your 30 years of strategic planning experience. This is my sixth time asking this question on different threads of V14 because neither you, nor anyone from your campaign, including your campaign co-chairs Steve Grossman and Dana Hanson, nor anyone endorsing you has made any attempt to answer this question. I noticed when you were asked in other threads about your donations to Republican candidates and the Republican party, and why you had your children enroll in private school you offered some responses. In contrast, legitimate questions about the specifics of your professed 30 years of strategic planning experience have been ignored. Why? Is there a reason why you are willing to answer some questions about your political and educational choices, but not questions about your professional experience which you emphasize as one of the reasons you have the most ‘experience to lead’ in comparison with the other candidates? Why are you and your campaign so willing to ignore this question when you also describe yourself as a good listener who is responsive to constituents and voters? It doesn’t add up. By not answering you are generating more questions from voters about why you are ducking questions about your experience, and why you do not want to address questions head-on.
Chris – Fuller will not answer you especially on this blog because her facts and her math are so fuzzy that when she does answer she just digs herself deeper. That is what happens when you pretend to be a Progressive Democrat but are really a Republican.
Good luck to all of the candidates tomorrow! I am happy that Newton showed how to run a campaign with respectful discourse and no mudslinging among the seven who stepped up to offer their visions and talents in pursuit of a better Newton.
link to Saunders video
link to Ceccinelli video
link to Woodward video
Get out and vote!
I take back my snarkiness on the other post.
Should have read this one first. :)