Village14 received the following email this afternoon from City Council candidate Allison Sharma: 

Newton, MA,  August 15, 2017

My name is Allison Sharma I’m pleased to announce that I’m running as a write-in/sticker candidate for the Ward 4 Ward Councilor seat in Newton. 

I’m a 17-year resident of Auburndale and have loved living here and raising my children here.  I served on the Burr School PTO board and am an active member in the United Parish of Auburndale, having served on and chaired several boards and the Parish Council.  I am currently serving as a collection point for humanitarian aid for Syrian refugees, an activity through which I have engaged with residents from Ward 4 and across the city to help ease the suffering in what is arguably the biggest humanitarian crisis of our time.  I care and I get involved.

Professionally, I’m an enterprise systems consultant.  In layman’s terms, I’m a listener and a solver of complex problems.  I listen to my clients’ issues and concerns, and work with them collaboratively to find solutions within an often complex and interdependent web of systems.

When Jay Harney announced recently that he was unable to run for reelection due to personal reasons, many in the community were concerned about the lack of a robust and transparent campaign to fill that seat.  It appeared that Jay’s successor was predestined.  I shared those concerns and felt compelled to do something about it.  The voters in Ward 4 deserve a choice, and I think I can offer them an excellent one.

I love Newton because it is welcoming, diverse and vibrant. If I’m fortunate enough to be elected as Ward 4 City Councilor, my goal will be to retain and enhance these wonderful qualities in our city.

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For more information: