The first of many mayoral forums — this one sponsored by Green Newton at Newton Community Farm — was held tonight with all seven candidates participating. Here’s a video from the live stream.
The first of many mayoral forums — this one sponsored by Green Newton at Newton Community Farm — was held tonight with all seven candidates participating. Here’s a video from the live stream.
142 times the word ‘so’ is used -that’s group speak for ‘what the hell am I doing here!’…
I was very impressed by how well this forum was organized. Substantial questions were asked and the audience was able to understand the differences between the candidate. Al Cecchinelli’s explanation of how he is a green candidate was great.
Kudos to the organizers!
I can’t believe Ruthann still wants to cut down the Library parking lot trees to put up solar carports.
Here’s a couple of excepts from an email I sent to someone looking for my reaction to an Andy Savitz letter at the time of this debate (April 2016):
I hate seeing “small trees” being treated as expendable. Every large tree we have started as a small tree.
I was actually looking for a letter we were copied on, which I can’t currently find, from a woman who felt better just looking out the Library window at the parking lot trees. We should not dismiss the psychological benefit we get from trees.
I appreciated Al Cecchinelli speaking up for these trees at the forum. Let’s leave them alone to grow for future generations to enjoy even more!
I continue to think the best untapped space to install solar panels is the south facing embankment of the Mass Turnpike, and/or the space between the rail bed and the Pike. The city should collaborate with Mass DOT to figure out how to do that, and split the financial benefits.
I encourage everyone to watch the video. This forum was a terrific event that offered insight to the candidates’ experience, knowledge and plans for Newton on environmental issues. This is the second mayoral forum I have attended and I believe seeing the candidates in action is crucial to determine their real thoughts and passions (as opposed to brochures and websites). In my opinion, Amy Sangiolo was the shining star of this forum. She clearly has the strongest resume of experience and action on environmental issues. She spoke from her heart with conviction and passion,with a thorough understanding of the opportunities and challenges facing our city. Many audience members commented that she gave them goosebumps and teary eyes. Watch for yourself; she was amazing! Councilor Sangiolo articulated ideas that were clear, concrete and creative to make Newton less wasteful and a leader in sustainability. She has my enthusiastic vote for mayor!
I was really impressed by the number of people who showed up to a mayoral forum in early August. It’s a good sign that people are paying attention and that environmental issues matter.
I wish I could have gone, not just for the content, but because how often do we get to go to an event in a barn in Newton? (Well, maybe Newton Nomadic Theatre, but not candidate forums.) But I was already scheduled to work before I knew I could get a seat. The livestream was good to have.
Nathan did a great job moderating and keeping things on schedule. I just wish there had been more time for more candidates to answer some of the questions.
If anyone has tree-related questions for the mayoral candidates, please send to (put “Questions for next mayor” in subject line.) We plan to do a questionnaire before the preliminary and publish the responses.