Here’s more than I needed to know about Eli Katzoff who says he’s running a campaign for mayor.
*UPDATE: Eli Katzoff has removed this video from his You Tube account.
Here’s more than I needed to know about Eli Katzoff who says he’s running a campaign for mayor.
*UPDATE: Eli Katzoff has removed this video from his You Tube account.
Glad to see people are finding some of my more humorous videos! Awesome!
I own a media production company that creates web content for local businesses, non profits and other organizations within our community. This is both my career and a passion of mine. However I also feel as a film maker we have to be making content that critiques and brings to light aspects of the worlds we live in, so this is why I made this video.
I’m excited to use my media skills and humor to highlight the issues and ideas that I care about in this campaign. And I for one think a little humor from time to time is important.
Eli Katzoff,
Mayoral Candidate
That’s swell Ely. We can all use a laugh now and then….especially now.
But running Newton, managing a significant budget, hundreds of employees, complex projects, a looming retirement fund crisis, a severe housing shortage, inadequate roads/sidewalks, an opiate crisis, sitting on the school committee and being someone we can all turn to in times of crisis, requires more than funny video skills.
Can you offer any reason why we should believe you could seriously take these things on?
If not, I’d personally prefer you not run. Make videos about the other candidates or do something else constructive that’s closer to your skill set. But please don’t detract from the serious discussions that needs to happen in the few remaining weeks between now and the Sept. 12 preliminary.
You forgot to edit out the part where you flash small children on your front steps.
To clarify….I agree with Greg!!!
A steady downhill drift since Adlai Stevenson’s “Call to Greatness” keynote address at the 1952 Democratic National Convention.
– Greg, you’re right – this video IS a distraction from the big, important issues that Newton faces. I created it two years ago just to make my friends laugh and poke fun at the falseness of the modern dating world. But I admit that parts of it are cheesy and not appropriate for all ages – and I wouldn’t want to encourage people to pass it along and focus on that instead of the issues. So I’m glad you brought this up – and I’d be happy to take the video down.
– So, let’s get back to talking about making Newton the best place to live. You’re exactly right that it’s a hugely complex job that requires management experience, deep caring for people, and a vision for what Newton can become. I’m focusing my candidacy around a singular vision for a more caring city that connects citizens together. I’ll be talking about issues like affordable housing, community gardens, improving bike paths, and supporting local businesses. And of course, any mayor has to deal with road improvements, education, budget concerns, and the like. I know from my experience as a small business owner that the chief executive’s most important job is to set the vision and then find the best people possible to specialize in their respective areas. I’ve managed complex budgets, worked with dozens of contractors, and know how to carefully listen to and respond to my clients – if you’ve ever worked with a couple getting married, you know what I mean :)
– My campaign IS still new, and I’m still shaping my policy proposals. I’m also eager to spend the first part of my campaign really listening to my fellow citizens – to hear what keeps them up at night, as well as stay open to their novel, creative ideas. I hope that you’ll continue to check in on my campaign as it evolves, and that your readers will give me a chance to introduce myself to you – properly! – before Sept 12th
Thanks for your interest in my campaign.
Sorry Eli, but your act is wearing thin. We have too many clowns holding elective office already. Trump, Baker, and the biggest clown show of all… the Newton School Committee.
Eli, where do you live so I can ring your doorbell..
Wow, I’m very disappointed to read this surprisingly petty and mean-spirited post, accompanied by its mean-spirited comments.
I’m not convinced that there’s any value in digging up comical YouTube videos that someone made in obvious jest several years ago, and then claiming that this somehow disqualifies an individual from running for mayor.
Greg, you identify a number of problems that impact the city. Are we to believe that past or current mayors, with their allegedly superior gravitas, adequately addressed or solved any of these issues?
A couple of days ago I sent you a link to a David Brooks column and I think it summed up the Newton experience to a T – especially its observation about zoning restrictions as a key tool for the educated, upper-middle class to rig the system for themselves and ensure that no others can join their ranks. I’ve watched Newton develop over the last 40 years, and I can’t honestly say that it’s become any better of a place to live – rather, the biggest change I’ve noticed in this city is the entrenchment of this new class which, as David Brooks says,
Our city’s leaders have done nothing to address this inequality, despite multiple opportunities. And in the meantime, I haven’t noticed much positive progress in any other key areas of municipal improvement – for example, I almost brained myself cycling over a pothole on one of the city’s typically unmaintained streets this evening.
I would be excited to hear from alternative voices who could bring new perspectives to the table. In that respect, hearing what Mr. Katzoff has to say, and engaging or debating him on the actual issues would be far more useful than this supercilious effort to belittle him for no valid reason.
I really question this post and the idea that artists can’t run for office. I think Al Franken is a great Senator. He made some funny videos that aren’t appropriate in the campaign context, he still won, and he’s doing a great job.
I don’t know Eli very well, but this criticism I think is misplaced.
Given how awful the serious politicians on both sides of the aisle are, I’m inclined to give someone with a sense of humor a listen….
I think Michael has brought up some good points regarding children of struggling families. 2 solutions I wanted to bring to the city when I ran, was solving the learning inequities in this city. It seems that children of wealthy families get plenty of tutoring and extra help, while children of struggling families don’t. I’d propose to create a public/private partnership to give kids of struggling homes a free tutor. Maybe work with neighboring colleges to give credits to their students if they volunteer to be a tutor in the city for free.
I also would propose to create a non-profit (501-c3) to fix computers to make sure that each child in the system has a computer at home. People would donate the computer for a tax write off, children of struggling families would get a free used computer.
I don’t know if a lack of computer is a problem for children in the city (or metco students), but if it is, thats what I would propose.
Michael: There are plenty of Newton parents helping other children reach success. One big example is the Transitioning Together program that started under Jen Price at NNHS where families who have gone through the college admission process are partnered with families who are new to the process, usually first generation college families. The parent who has been through the process mentors the other family for about 18 months through the college application process. I believe a similar program may have been started at NSHS. The GELF (Global Education Leadership Fund) scholarship fund at both high schools raises money each year, primarily from Newton families, to provide scholarships for students from both high schools to participate in travel abroad programs. Almost every form that I have seen coming home from my childrens’ schools in Newton that requires a payment (field trips, Yearbooks, etc), has a place for a parent to sponsor another child or simply donate money to the appropriate scholarship fund. I am sure we could do more – but a lot of families in Newton are not just looking out for their own children.
Greg, if you think the video is a distraction why post it?
I didn’t say the video is a distraction, I said it told me more than I needed to know.
It will be a distraction if candidates who have nothing serious to contribute are participating in debates and taking time away from a important discussions.
Click bait. Check.
*UPDATE: Eli Katzoff has removed this video from his You Tube account. You didn’t miss much folks.
just seems like another hit job by Village 14. why not just tell us who you support rather than bash all their competition? it’s too early to go negative!
I saw the video, it was a comedy sketch and it was funny. Not relevant in the least to running for mayor though.
Only thing I learned is that Greg is worried Eli might win and he certainly could!