This announcement comes from GreenNewton, Mothers Out Front, Bike Newton, 350 Mass and ForwardMA.

For the first time, all seven candidates running for Mayor of Newton will appear on one stage to discuss their positions on environmental issues that concern Newton residents.  The three city councilors running for Mayor, Amy Sangiolo, Ruthanne Fuller, and Scott Lennon, will be joined by Al Cecchinelli, Richard Saunders, Eli Katzoff, and Geoffrey Woodward, in a forum moderated by Boston University Earth & Environment Professor, Nathan Phillips.

The upcoming forum, The Environment, Newton’s Next Mayor & You, is being held prior to the September preliminary election, to bring attention to a wide variety of viewpoints on topics ranging from climate change & Newton’s infrastructure to whether a 100% renewable Newton is a realistic goal.  Another environmental forum is slated for late September, when the race narrows to two candidates. 

“Often, the most creative ideas come from new voices,” said one of the event organizers, Newton resident Lauren Berman. “Our goal is to give all of the candidates an opportunity to share their visions for Newton, with a knowledgeable moderator like Nathan digging into their answers and acting as a check on their statements.”

The event will be held on Thursday, August 3rd, at The Newton Community Farm. The evening kicks off at 7 pm with socializing and a farm tour, and the candidate forum begins at 7:45 in the barn.  Seating is limited; early registration is advised.

Registration is through the event’s facebook page:, where residents are also encouraged to pose questions for the candidates.

GreenNewton, Mothers Out Front, Bike Newton, 350 Mass and ForwardMA are co-sponsoring the event.  

Inquiries can be sent to: [email protected].