Mayor Setti Warren is hosting a family block party Saturday outside his home on Beaumont Avenue. On his Facebook page, he wrote that he’ll be announcing “his own next steps” in his work “towards a brighter future for the Commonwealth.”
Will he officially announce that he’s running for governor?
Newton Patch’s Jenna Fisher has more here.
I’m not sure which of these things bothers me more. The fact that Governor Baker continues to undermine the democratic results of November’s ballot initiative 4 [the legalization of recreational cannabis], or that Setti Warren has never publicly criticized him for doing it. In my opinion, neither of these potential gubernatorial candidates has a clue about the cannabis industry, the fastest growing industry in the country.
Baker’s unwillingness to put the wisdom of the voters above his personal feelings, is costing this state tens of thousands of jobs. Not just jobs directly related to cannabis, but jobs in the real estate and construction industries as well. There’s not a smidgen of leadership in what Baker is doing by manipulating the results of the election. It’s driven by pure ignorance.
I’m certainly also bothered by Setti’s track record on cannabis reform, which consists of his failing to criticize the [then] Board of Alderman’s moratorium on medical cannabis, which left Newton residents without local access to their prescribed medication for three years.
I guess we will find out on Saturday