From the Jesuit Priest’s non-denominational, all-inclusive blessing to Jerry Reilly’s promise of a new tradition in Newton, the St. Patrick’s Day Political Breakfast that occurred this morning at Dunn-Gaherin’s in Newton Upper Falls was an undeniable success. Tip of the Hat to Seana Gaherin whose brain works in mysterious ways to gather people in the woods of Hemlock Gorge for the “Feast of the Falls,” to coordinating a parade over a newly rebuilt bridge over the Charles, to celebrating this morning the possibility of Newton’s first citizen to be sent to the Governor’s Palace! Another Tip of the Hat to Jerry Reilly who can actually ensure that the events happen and never lose their sense of humor. Greg Reibman, President of the Newton-Needham Chamber of Commerce, whose real job is to be “The Voice” of Village 14, was phenomenal as MC. And Jerry and he moved the morning’s roast around the tavern smoothly and with the best of good humor.
Almost all of the “Elected” of Newton were there! Unfortunately, they did not check the research that shows that 7:30am is too early for adolescents to attend anything! HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY!!!!!!
Great fun.
And by my count we had nine city councilors (Fuller, Lennon, Albright, Crossley, Hess-Mahan, Yates, Sangiolo, Lipoff, Lappin) and three city council candidates (Carolina Ventura from Ward 1, Andrea Kelley from Ward 3, Brenda Noel from Ward 6) in attendance.
So I think we should cut the city council immediately and give the seats to those twelve.
Out of curiosity, was there any live music for the occasion?
I saw two musicians on the side but they weren’t playing while I was there. (I got there about 7:55 and left at 8:40)
OK, Greg: If the City Council has already been chosen, I’ll proclaim myself Mayor!
Thanks, Sallee. Would be interested to know who they were, and if they actually played Irish music (not every St. Patrick’s Day-related event features Irish music, believe it or not).
SRO crowding, the biggest insider announcement came from his honor the mayor announcing, like his run for senate, he has changed his mind and will be be seeking a 3rd term. With that supporters starting heading for the door.
Great time, really have to hand it to Jerry, Greg, and Seana for pulling that together in 48 hours.
Can’t wait for next year.
@essteess – Yes there were two really good fiddlers playing – Julie Mecalf and Jess Fox . They started as the crowd was arriving and played for half hour or so before the official festivities began -nother great Seana touch that set the mood nicely. Seana knows them though Carriage House Violins which is right up the street. After the event I overheard Seana trying to recruit them for a future seisiun at Dunn Gaherins.
It was a great time. Many thanks to Seana, Greg, Jerry, Chris Osbourne and everyone else that helped organize this fun time. Very unique since this is the first time I’ve seen everyone leave a Saint Patrick’s party walking in a straight line and acting cold sober as a judge.
But then it’s still early. I hold no responsibility for their behavior as the day progresses into night.
Thanks, Jerry! I know Julie quite well, so good to know there was top-notch music at the event. And I would love it there was a regularly occurring seisiun at Dunn Gaherins.
OK, please clue a poor Jewish girl in…I thought Jerry was misspelling “session,” in his remark above, as I know spelling is not his forte…but Essteess repeated the word… and I love new words… so is “seisiun” Celtic for Irish music?
It’s the Irish Gaelic word for a traditional Irish music session.
Sallee, “seisiun” is Gaelic for a gathering of musicians, and sometimes dancers, of Irish music. It’s more of an informal event than a performance — a jam session if you will. There’s tons of ’em in Greater Boston…but none, alas, in Newton.
Thanks Jerry, Tricia and Esstess for enhancing my vocabulary with seisiun and my understanding that Gaelic is the Irish language! A weekly/monthly seisiun at Dunn-Gaherin’s certainly has my vote!
Is “Sallee” some kind of Gaelic spelling too?
While it was too early to serve spirits, Jerry, Greg and Seana and guests provided plenty of good craic. Go raibh míle maith agabh.
Greg, I thought Jerry’s idea of musical chairs to select councilors after the City Council is reduced to 12 was a better idea.
Erin go bragh!
@Greg: Alas, I have spent a lifetime spelling all my names to others. No phonetic help either. My dear Mother chose “Sallee” because she thought it looked the prettiest…My middle name is a Hebrew transliteration, spelled curiously…”Edyce.” My maiden name was pronounced “Horowitz” but spelled “Horhovitz,” (ostensibly because my paternal great-grandfather who immigrated here was asked what his surname was and he replied with his Yiddish accent: “Hor-huh-vitz.”) With marriage I added Lipshutz…no c’s, only one “ell” and only one “i” and one “u”. Don’t get me started on pronunciation! In spite of all these strange non-Irish monikers, I am really looking forward to some great corned beef and cabbage tonight! And, I might add, that today is my son’s birthday and that we seriously considered naming him Sean, but landed, instead on Jeremy!
Seana and Jerry are amazing! They could run a small country.
Quite a turnout at short notice and great to see everyone in the spirit of the holiday.
Seeing Bob Burke dancing a jig on top of the bar made my day!
@Terry Malloy – Bob was amazingly spry. Must be all that yoga.
@Terry Malloy – Seana has already been talking to Liechtenstein
I forgot to mention that Scott Lopes, owner of recently opened, delightful, Stone L’Oven in Waban Square, was belly up to the bar at Dunn-Gaherin’s (sipping coffee) this morning. Is he planning next year’s “roast” in Waban!?!
Andy Levin posted some photos on Wicked Local Newton
It was a terrific event, pulled together super-fast (just proves we can accomplish great things in short periods of time), fabulous live music by the stellar fiddlers Julie and Jess, loads of fun and humor, delicious bangers-in-croissants: all around an event worth doing annually. Thanks to Seana, Jerry, Greg and their crew.
And let us not forget the unsung hero of the day. Christopher Osborn from Better Life Food prepared the food today. Better Life Food is always at the heart of everythING we do in Upper,Falls. Chris Osborn has,been the master chef for every Feast of the Falls.
If you cone to the Upper Falls Soup Social tomorrow,night you can taste some oF his soup. Virtually every event that Seana,and I get involved in, Chris & Better Life Food is behind the scene making it all happen. He’s just not as big of a ham as the two of us.