Sen. Cindy Creem, Josephine McNeil, Rep. Ruth Balser
CAN-DO (Citizens for Affordable Housing in Newton Development) hosted its 14th annual “Yes! In My Backyard,” fundraiser last night. The event was a celebration of and tribute for Executive Director Josephine McNeil, who is retiring after 23 years. The evening was lovely and the love for and appreciation of Josephine dominated. Former Mayor David Cohen deserves accolades for delivering heartfelt comments that made palpable his admiration and respect for Josephine.
I regret that I didn’t pay more attention to CAN-DO when I was editor of the Newton TAB. The units created by CAN-DO are invaluable, not just to the families living in them, but to the communities they abut and the city as a whole. Read about them here.
This was a special night with great turn-out and a well-deserved tribute.
Josephine is a force for good in our City and, even though she is retiring, her presence will long be felt. She will continue to advocate on behalf of those in need of help, and to assist them in becoming truly a part of our community. Thank you, Josephine, for your strength and tenacity!! And, yes….how nice to hear David Cohen’s words last evening.
I wish I could have made it. This city owes Josephine an enormous debt of gratitude. I hope we will all rededicate ourselves to helping the less fortunate in our community the way she has throughout her career.
Josephine is a dear friend and a treasure. Before I joined the Board of Aldermen in 2003, I was President of the Board of CAN-DO for several years, and I am proud to have been involved in some small way with her efforts to create 48 units of housing in Newton, most of which are permanently deed restricted to remain affordable. Josephine is compassionate, caring and devoted to eliminating homelessness and promoting diversity. As Barney Frank said in his letter that was read at last night’s tribute, there is no one in Newton who has done more for the cause of affordable housing than Josephine has done over the last 20 years with CAN DO. She has inspired a whole generation of YIMBYs (“Yes-In-My-Back-Yard”) and I am proud to know her and that she is right here in Newton.