Here’s something to fan the flames of those conspiracy theorists who’ve accused Newton’s Charter Commissioners of acting under marching orders of the League of Women voters or other nefarious intentions.
Last night MSNBC misidentified Newton Charter Commissioner Chris Steele with former British Intelligence Agent who had been investigating Donald Trump’s alleged ties to Russia. Watch the video here.
…or are they? Cue James Bond theme here.
>>Newton Charter Commissioner and British Spy are not the same dude
Really? Who am I going to believe – a national TV network or some podunk blog in some little town in MA. How stupid do you think we are?
This revelation doesn’t surprise me at all. Every time I see Chris Steele he’s just going to, or just coming back from some far flung corner of the globe.
Ooops! I think Chris Mathews better borrow some new researchers from Rachel Maddow.
As for a League of Women Voters/Charter Commission connection, both this Mr. Steele and Ms. Kidwell were former LWV Board Members, no?
@ Chri Steele – Whenever you do finish up your investigation, consider breaking the story here on Village14. We’d appreciate it.
Is this MSNBC blunder another example of fake news?
Is it that a reclusive British spy/oppo researcher hides his image more than an affable community activist?
Or is Jerry Reilly too modest? Was Newton Chris Steele featured in Upper Falls News and thus popped up on MSNBC’s search engine?
@Councilor Yates: It’s not fake news, it’s a reporting error. Here’s a guide to understanding the differences.
Whether or not our Christopher Steele is the genuine MI6 operative, I would advise him to beware of bumbershoot tips and stay out of Maine! Boris and Natasha might wish to detain Moose and Squirrel!!!!!
Chris claims to have grown up in NEW Jersey. But perhaps he’s really from Jersey?
I suppose it’s just a reporting error. But has anyone ever seen the two of them in the same room?