Tom Mountain is extra giddy this year that the Pats are playing in the Superbowl, writing in a TAB column…
News flash to all Democrats cheering on the Patriots for the Super Bowl, especially those husbands whose uber-feminist wives still let them watch this violent sport: Bob Kraft, Bill Belichick and Tom Brady are all friends and supporters of President Trump. So as you’re cheering on Tom know that after the game he’ll return to his Chestnut Hill estate to gallivant about in his red “Make America Great Again” hat. That is, unless he and Bill opt to hang out with their pal Donald Trump first.
Gail Spector, on the other hand, won’t be watching but it has nothing to do with whether or not Brady will really be gallivanting about in his red “Make America Great Again” hat,” writing for WBUR’s Common Health blog…
Here I am, in Patriot Nation, hoping that the Pats will flaunt another Super Bowl win in NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell’s face, but the league’s indifference to the health of its players is infuriating me. How can I support a business that’s uncompromising in its policies about pain relief while its employees develop devastating addictions?
Does the Trump/Brady/Belichick/Kraft connection, Gail’s concerns or any other factor change how you feel about this Sunday’s game?
In photo: Make America Great Hat in Tom Brady’s locker
At Sunday’s rally in Boston denouncing the Muslim Ban, I met a wonderful group of young people who will not be watching the Super Bowl because of the Holy Trinty’s unwavering support of DJT. Their sign “Real Patriots Welcome All Immigrants (Not Just Models)!”
Given the way the Muslim Ban roll out happened (regardless of whether you support it and for the record I think it is horrible), I wonder if Bill B. still thinks DJT is an incredible manager. Bill B. prides himself on everyone knowing their job, having a well thought out game plan and back up plans. The Muslim Ban had no real plan. Poor communication. Worst day of the week to implement. Invited legal challenges all around. If Bill B. implemented this type of game plan at the Super Bowl, the Falcons would win by the largest margin in SB history.
I have been a long time Patriots fan, but I haven’t watched a game since the election. I am so angry about what has happened to our country. So on Sunday I will be reading a nice book.
I’m not one to equate a player’s or owner’s politics with my hope that they will throw the sportball into the hoopbase, so Go Pats. In fact, if I shunned pro athletes because they acted like morons (outside of criminal activity- different conversation), I would not watch any sports (side note, but to the point: Curt Schilling should be in Baseball’s Hall of Fame IMO, despite his boorish behavior and his attempts to bankrupt the state of RI).
I do share the concern about violence in football and the health of players, and I suspect the NFL’s declining ratings are more than the attention on this past year’s political circus, but a longer-term effect of the health concerns turning some viewers off. But I will admit that I watch the games.
Also of note: Yesterday’s Globe had a story on changes to youth football to minimize contact and injury: (cue the whining about football being turned into a mamby-pamby sissy sport, I never got concussions/what day is it?, etc.)
NOPE! I am watching the game regardless.
Every choice has consequences, some even have rules (no matter how antiquated) that you know you must follow.
People can choose to play football knowing that there is a possibility of injury. People can choose to take middle America for granted knowing there is possibility of losing an election. People can choose not to watch a good sporting event knowing that they may miss out on some good entertainment.
To each his/her own. Get over it!
@ Alicia said.
I’m not sure what I’m supposed to get over.
I will be watching and could care less who the owner, coach and QB are friends with or support. We are talking about sports entertainment, not politics!
Gail’s concern about the injuries issue is real, as is the fact the NFL routinely dishes out slaps on the wrist for players involved in domestic violence – but suspends a quarterback a quarter of the season (on flimsy evidence) for slightly lessening the air pressure in footballs! But I’m still watching, as I did most of the games this year.
Prediction: NE 34 ATL 24. Go Pats!
Love the comments from behind the pseudonyms. They are always so…
I do love the Budweiser Superbowl ad and wonder how many Trump voters will get it.
As for Get Over It! There is so much to look past. The election stolen by voter suppression, Russian interference and yes a better message (LIES) that he can’t/won’t deliver and fear mongering in the model of Nazi Germany. The dismantling of our democracy is happening piece by piece RIGHT NOW. Freedom of speech, equality for all, separation of church and state, States rights, judical powers – a key in the checks and balances, elected officials not gaining from their positions. This isn’t about politics anymore. This is about whether our country will survive. I have a strong group of friends who is standing up for what is right, what will keep our country strong and protect ALL OF US (even if some of us haven’t figured out yet that they need protection).
I wish the Patriots well and hope anyone watching them enjoys it. I for one just can’t do it.
I’m watching but I’m rooting for Martellus Bennett to be named MVP.
Andy I am not surprised. You did write a whole editorial talking about why you don’t get people who are upset about the election. The President has unleashed additional horrible treatment of our citizens, our legal residents and those which we had already granted a right to come to our country (after years of screening). Read the story of a Virginia man, a 17 year citizen of the US, strip searched this past weekend because they were suspicious of him (he was Indian) or children in handcuffs or the mother and children held for 20 hours with no food and forced to keep on their handcuffs even in the bathroom. Doctors and scientists, many of whom have lived here for years being denied entry. Even with the stay, the airlines are refusing to fly people here for fear that airports will not comply with judges orders. What about women and their right to chose what happens with their own bodies? Do you have daughters? Do you worry that someday they may not have the choice of birth control (that is next after roe v. wade is overturned) or an abortion? Do you worry about the impact of an economic downturn that will most certainly happen with our inward facing “American First” attitude? What about the increased tax burden on the middle class? These are all things that the Patriot TRIFECTA and many others do not need to worry about. This is why they have no problem supporting Trump and his hatred. I think there are a good number of people who have forgotten the constitution.
@greg MB for MVP is something I can totally support.
@FifthGenerationNewtonite – much damage gets done to kids who are too young to “choose to play football knowing that there is a possibility of injury”, or who are adolescents with their sense of invulnerability.
@DougHaslan – thank you for posting that link. I’m glad youth football is starting to take these issues seriously – it’s long overdue for them to follow the lead of youth baseball and soccer, where there are gradations in the game to match developmental level. For safety, and also so more kids can participate. For example, my very small child was able to participate in baseball and soccer until it reached the varsity level (where the difference in mass between him and other players made it dangerous), but couldn’t play Pop Warner even when he was little because it was too dangerous for a kid smaller than most his age. The proposed new rules would have allowed him to participate in a sport he loved for at least a few years, and protect young developing brains from concussions.
As to watching on Sunday – I’ve never had any interest in football and find the Super Bowl a great time to go grocery shopping while the stores are empty. :)
On Sunday this feminist will put on her lucky Patriots game day sweater and an “I’m with Her” button doctored to read “I’m with Marty and Matthew,” Bennett and Slater, two big-hearted Pats who deserve whatever good things their admittedly bizarre profession can grant them. Also Barkevious Mingo, whose values are unknown to me but who has the most fabulous name in sports since Van Lingle Mungo.
The news has emerged that Tom Brady’s mother has unfortunately been stricken with an apparently serious illness, and he would consider it especially sweet to win on Sunday for her. I’ll be happy if the Pats win because they’re my home team. But I’d be a thousand times happier if people suffering through the illness of someone they love had recognized the hideous irony of supporting a candidate committed to separating other people’s loved ones from their health care and made a more generous choice.
I’m surprised the City Council has not banned the watching of such a politically incorrect activity. Surely, it is only a matter of time.
I’m an old fashioned civic type, but I wish people would take just a quarter of the time they hash and rehash everything about the Patriots to focus in on what’s going on politically in their community, state and nation. So much of the public is grossly ignorant of even the most basic political and civic challenges we face and this isn’t just rabid Trump supporters. There’s ignorance across the political spectrum. I stopped looking at professional football many years ago because it reminded me too much of a Roman circus. It’s only a few weeks until the pitchers go south for Spring Training and I’ll be back on board then
My fine furry friend. Such negativity. Does someone need a tickle? A hug perhaps?
This is slightly different but this debate sometimes comes up in the world of movies and TV entertainment as well. Does it matter if an actor is far-left/far-right, feminist/chauvinist, gay/straight in real life if they imbue their performance of a character with convincing strength, and connect with an audience? Does knowing that we may not agree with them philosophically or politically in their “real” life take away the enjoyment of watching them perform a particular skill? By all accounts, including those of his directors and co-stars, William Shatner, was a smug, pompous, look-at-me, camera-hogging dope, especially during the initial run of Star Trek. And yet…and yet, these attributes were a big part of his character appealing, scene-stealing turn as Captain James T. Kirk.
Dear God it’s a football game. Watch it or don’t watch it.
Eat lots of food, drink lots of beverages, don’t drink and drive.
Leave politics out of it for one glorious day of sports.
ps…where is all the outrage over the millions of poor chickens that will sacrifice their wings for this game??????
@Bob: Such an important point. There is so much distraction in today’s world that we really need to figure out how to better ensure we have a well-informed citizenry and then how to engage them in the political process.
So, by Tom Mountain’s logic (I know — bear with me), he should refuse to cheer for the Red Sox because one of their top executives is Tom Werner, who’s a friend and supporter of the Clintons. And I certainly assume he must’ve gnashed his teeth and burned his Celtics memorabilia when they acquired Bill Walton — who was involved in left-of-center political activism — for the 1986 championship year.
Yeah, it’s just a trolling attempt, and not a very good one.
I don’t know (does anyone?) the nature of Brady’s, Belichick’s and Kraft’s friendship with Trump. Do they agree with everything he says or does, politically and otherwise? I have no idea, they ain’t saying, and I don’t particularly care much. I’ve been a Patriots fan since elementary school, when I was living in *New York*, for cripe sake. If Brady/Belichick/Kraft help the Patriots achieve success, then I will root for that endeavor.
But if a member of the Patriots was to, say, be convicted of murder, then I’d be done with him.
I don’t know what the sociopolitical views of my auto mechanic, plumber or electrician are, either, and am not especially anxious to find out. As long as they all do what I ask/expect of them, I will continue to choose to use their services. It’s the same for entertainers (yes, I’m putting pro athletes in that category). Now, if an entertainer makes his/her sociopolitical views an integral part of his/her chosen vocation, then I may or may not want to take an interest in that person.
I understand that this super-charged political environment — along with the equally propulsive media coverage/commentary — has everyone on super high Defcon 4 levels of anxiety, but that hyper-awareness should be applied to careful research and evaluation of current events, rather than speculating about TB12’s views on trade policy.
What @Essteess said. S/he said it just beautifully.
*** shameless plug *** – if you’re sitting out the Superbowl come to the theater instead. Newton Nomadic Theater brings its amazing new show Doubt to the Auburndale Library for a Sunday matinee. 3 pm so you can see the show AND the Superbowl. for tix
I’m going to throw a flag on this thread, for multiple penalties. Kristine calling Tom Mountain names seems to violate the principles of this site ( unless you want to amend to it doesn’t count if you says nasty things about a republican)
The recommendation to not invoke the Nazis (Alicia Bowman) seems to be a major departure from the expected decorum.
This reminds me of the recent SNL sketch, living in the “Bubble community”. Sure sounds like many on this thread would gladly move there.
As for the dangers of football, they are very real. Unfortunately, fundamentally it is designed to rattle ones brain around in your head- something doctors seem to think is not a good idea. I will keep watching it, until it is rightfully outlawed, rationalizing, the combatant know the risks.
I do think Newton should not permit it, either in schools, or on its playing fields. I asked the folks at Village14 to post this as a thread a month or two back, they were kind enough to ignore me completely. I guess now that the right person has brought it up, we can talk about it. In any case, no amount of equipment will change the fundamentals. Don’t you love when the teammates bang helmets, just to show how much they enjoy it all. Enough proof of brain damage right there.
Observation: So why hasn’t the post calling someone a “smug ass” been removed? The arbitrary hypocritical nature in which your “rules” are enforced seem to show a strong bias. Are you so blind to your prejudices that you can not see this? So quick to throw stones, and even quicker to feign offense at your perception of others being politically incorrect. Pathetic really.
Godwin’s law does not apply here
While I wholeheartedly agree with Kristine’s comment, I can see your point, too, Neal. But V14 is quicker to pull ad hominem attacks on participants than those who put themselves in the public eye (the rules even say so). Did you even report the comment, or do you just like to throw your own stones?
Sure, it’s only sports, but we are talking about role models to so many people in this country at a time when populism is driving our country towards fascism. Bob Kraft, particularly with the support of Myra, so often did the right thing. He has an opportunity here to at least distance himself from Trump politically or criticize him as a friend. I can only say I’m extremely disappointed.
Neil Fleisher – No arbitrary hypocrisy. You pointed it out. I hadn’t seen it. It’s gone.
Next time you see something that appears to violate our posting rules why not press the Report button – that’s what it’s there for.
@Adam, I tend to reserve throwing stones that are well placed, and deserved.I have seen comments pulled down on this site within minutes of being posted, and almost always it is of the opposite political side then this case. Interesting how no one seemed to notice or care, don’t you think?
You also might want to take another look at those rules and guidelines, they don’t seem to say what you think they do.
Regarding Kraft, you might want to rethink just who he is, and how much Myra influenced him. He doesn’t appear to be quite the same man since Myra passed, maybe he never was. Regarding Trump, Kraft is free, like you to choose his friends, and his politicians. How sad that you would be disappointed that he doesn’t seem to agree with you.
Thanks for being fair and balanced Jerry.
Given that V14 ignored my correspondence the last time, regarding this very topic, which now apparently seems worthy, (I guess because it is someone else bringing it up?) I figured the public discourse route was more appropriate.
I wholeheartedly agree with other posters who have questioned the appropriateness of tackle football as a public school sport. Failure to replace the football program demonstrates yet another way in which an oblivious School Committee continues to compromise the health and safety of Newton children.