At its next meeting (this coming Tuesday, November 29th), the School Committee will continue their discussion and vote on names for spaces in the Newton North building. The committee commissioned the Newton North Naming Committee to make recommendation in 2010. Some recommended names were names from the old Newton North building that they recommended to move to the new Newton North (like Lasker Auditorium). They also added some new names. No action was taken after the possibility of selling some naming rights was raised and defeated. Last winter the School Committee asked the naming committee to reconvene with an updated report. The full updated report is here.
The naming committee in their updated report did remove the recommendation of naming the lobby after former Mayor David Cohen but it seems there may be a vote to include that name anyway.
I thought this was an interesting topic and haven’t really seen it discussed either here or in the paper (if it was and I missed it, apologies), so thought it would be worth bringing out for people to discuss.
Too little–too late! Naming rights to this school could have brought in million$ when it was first built. I researched the possibilities at the request of two School Committee members. I recruited a corporate sponsor who was willing to put up between $3M- $5M for the naming rights. The SC decided not to follow up. I’ve been involved with a few naming rights deals in the past. Timing is everything. At this point they should leave it alone.
Depressingly stupid. Can’t these individuals find anything more productive to do? “Hey, let’s name some hallways after some friends of ours! Show everyone who’s boss!”
@Mike Striar – is that intended to be humorous?
Which part did you find funny, Michael? It was 100% factual.