I planned my voting time around the Franklin School bake sale, which goes to support the 5th Grade Moving On Ceremony. But at 8am, there still was no table in the back of the gym.
A few minutes later in a flurry of activity, parents and kids arrived carrying plastic containers and shopping bags filled with goodies, but they were told by poll workers that they couldn’t set up in the gym. The poll worker I spoke with said he spoke with someone at City Hall who made the decision. I have a call in to City Hall and haven’t yet heard why.
I’ve been voting at the Franklin School for 20 years and the bake sale, to my memory, is always in the gym, usually in the back corner near the entrance to the school. This year, however, they are outside, which I’m hoping will bring more customers.
I don’t know if this is a change in policy or a one-time thing. This year the outside location shouldn’t be much of an issue, as it’s a nice day, but what happens on years in which it rains or is very cold?
I apologize for the quality of the photo, as the sun was pretty bright. For the record I bought butterscotch cookies, brownies and banana bread.
What did you buy?
That’s great! I can’t wait to go – I hope my polling location has a bake sale – I love them!
Bigelow bake sale was i its usual place, the hallway leading in to the gym where we vote. I did not buy anything (I try,, with occasional success, to avoid too many baked goods- I suppose there might be some problems with selling fruit there, I don’t actually know, but I would def buy an orange if it were available), but may put in an order with my wife when she votes later today.
I vote at Hyde and the bake sale’s always in the hallway outside the gym, as at Bigelow. I’m allergic to everything they sell, but love seeing them there – one more advantage to voting at your local poll.
Newton Lower Falls will have a bake sale set up after school lets out!
We’re lucky to have Chuck Tanowitz covering the Election Day Bake Sale Beat for Village 14. I’m pretty sure both CNN and New York Times eliminated their bake sale reporters a few years ago.
They totally missed out on some tasty opportunities!
I vote at NCSC – bake sale table outside the gym. I tried to make a donation without buying anything, but they insisted I take a banana. Which was delicious.
The absolute best part of voting was always bake sales and I always spent wildly and gorged myself on sweets. I do love it here in Newton but It was a major shock the first time I voted here at the Hyde Center in Upper Falls and there was no bake sale.
Now that I hear that people are eating sweets at bake sales at other voting places all over Newton I’m really up in arms. Ward 5 what kind of message are you sending? Are we 2nd class citizens? Are we too fat?
What do we want? COOKIES. When do we want them? NOW
Oops “Hyde center” 》》”Emerson center”.
That’s,what happens,when you take my baked goods,away. I can’t think straight.