(with Mass EZ-pass) and no toll at Weston/Auburndale. This is balanced by higher tolls in Allston+Brighton.
A look at some of the proposed rate changes under new Mass. electronic tolls: pic.twitter.com/rceRzmQZOr
— Zeninjor Enwemeka (@Zeninjor) August 22, 2016
FYI the full presentation is here: http://d279m997dpfwgl.cloudfront.net/wp/2016/08/0823_aet-rate-info.pdf . Page 22 shows $0.20 in Newtonville, $1.00 in Allston (west of current tolls), and $0.50 near WGBH building.
For someone entering at West Newton and going to 93 or the South Station area, that’s a $0.70 increase over current rates.
I hear a lot in the presidential campaign about employers outsourcing jobs to other countries. But we have companies here like CVS that are determined to replace good entry level jobs with technology. Worse, our own government–that “of, by and for the people” government–seems equally determined to put American workers out of jobs and replace them with technology. These electronic tolls are just one more example. It wasn’t all that long ago when our own Board of Aldermen [now City Council] turned their backs on trash collectors [Dr King would have been ashamed of them], and allowed Waste Management to replace men with machines. I know that’s the way of the world. I get it. But I don’t have to like it!
I thought this stuff was supposed to save money?
the title is misleading.
the toll is 20 cents if you have a Mass issued EZ Pass
40 cents if you have a non-Mass issued EZ Pass
and then 70 cents for no pass, which you’ll get the bill in the mail based on your registration and then you have to pay it online (not sure if there’s a charge) or mail it back, which a stamp is 49 cents so that is more like $1.19 plus the hassle.
And pay-by-plate “customers” can ignore their bills with impunity if they have license plates from states other than MA, ME and NH, although in future CT, RI and NY will also be included in the “violation reciprocity” arrangements with other states.
Robert, how can that be? What about the many commercial vehicles with out- of-New England plates? Are they really going to be able to avoid tolls?