JohnRiceNewton City Councilor John Rice, who serves as the executive director of the Hyde Community Center in Newton Highlands as his day job, has been asked to resign from his Hyde position after turning down a request from Donald Trump’s campaign to hold a rally in the Hyde gymnasium.

According to two members of the Hyde Board of Directors, the board was furious at Rice for turning the request down, without asking them first, as required under the Hyde by-laws.

“None of us are Trump fans,” one of the directors told me, “but John knows he can’t make
unilateral decisions like that.”

He said Trump’s people offered to pay $10,500 in rental fees (the usual rate is $85 hour) plus security costs to rent the gym and that the Hyde  has a dire need to repair its deteriorating roof and no money to cover the work.

“We might have said no anyway, but that wasn’t John’s decision.”

The website Politico reported last week that Trump has been planning a series of campaign stops in blue states where he won the primary in an effort to pressure super delegates to support his nomination because he has the best chance to being beat Hillary Clinton.

Trump won the GOP primary in Massachusetts last month, and collected more than 2,000 votes in Newton.

I have a call into Rice and will let you know what he has to say.