Bdavid olsonack in 2013, when it was announced that City Clerk David Olson – already known as the hardest working guy in City Hall – had been nominated to also serve as election commissioner, skeptics wondered how Olson would be able to keep up with the added workload.

But three years and multiple elections later – plus last year’s Charter Commission contest – observers agree that Olson has handled the added duties flawlessly.  So this week, Dori Zaleznik, Mayor Warren’s Chief Administrative Officer announced that Olson will take on some added roles by filling the following open positions:

  1. Traffic engineer
  2. Director of Human Resources.
  3. Crossing guard at Mason-Rice
  4. Special Heavy Motor Equipment Operator

“With this move, we’ve filled four openings in one afternoon,” Zaleznik wrote in a memo to the City Council (which, of course she asked Olsen to distribute).  “I hope this finally put to rest the silly notion that we’re having trouble filling positions in the city.”