Newton’s legislative delegation, mayor and U.S. congressman are supporting Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination for president. Do you think they are representative of how Newton will vote on March 1?
I’m not asking how you will vote (although please feel free to share your thoughts); I’m asking how you think Newton will vote.
[polldaddy poll=9299766]
As an unerolled voter, I’m waiting to see what happens in New Hampshire and South Carolina to see which primary and which candidate I will vote for. I don’t know how many other Newton voters will vote strategically like this but I sure at least some do.
(Jeffrey Pontiff this point is particularly directed at you.)
Newton will undoubtedly go Hillary, as that is the best chance of aiding Setti in DC exploits, ultimately opening up the mayoral corner office position for a woman (not necessarily of color). Newton never had a female mayor..
As an unenrolled (ex-United Independent Party) voter, I lean to the left. It’s between Hillary and Bernie for me. The reason for this is simply I fear what would happen in the Supreme Court if the Republicans get to appoint 3-4 new justices. That to me is the big issue.
As an unenrolled voter, I might also vote strategically also.
This being said, I am not an unenrolled voter because I want to strategically vote in a primary. I am an unenrolled voter because I am a social liberal and fiscal conservative. Both parties have failed me and a lot of other unenrolleds.
Jeffrey…I agree with you…that’s why I’m unenrolled, too. I voted in this poll for Hillary, because I believe that’s the way Dems in this City will go. Lots of “pols” have been driving to New Hampshire to campaign for her.
I am a Democrat. I am voting for Bernie in the primary as a symbolic vote. I am in lock step with Sanders views on corporate America, taxes, healthcare and education.
However, I feel after watching Obama struggle to get anything passed these past 7 years, Sanders would find it more difficult.
I think tonight’s win in NH is the high point for Sander’s campaign. I have no confidence that he can win Super Tuesday.
The good news for me is that I also am a fan of Hillary as well. I feel her approach and influence has more of a chance to get the country closer to where I’d like to see it.
Bernie in the Primary. Hillary in the General Election.