Thanks to an alert reader for noticing this Facebook post (and Tweet) from Newton Mayor Setti Warren yesterday..
Leave no snow flake unmoved
by Greg Reibman | Jan 28, 2016 | Newton | 16 comments
by Greg Reibman | Jan 28, 2016 | Newton | 16 comments
Thanks to an alert reader for noticing this Facebook post (and Tweet) from Newton Mayor Setti Warren yesterday..
[youtube-feed feed=1]
Best post ever! By both the mayor and V14.
You got a shout out from Universal Hub:
“H/t Village 14, which is where we get our important Newton news.”
(tongue in cheek) – Snow Dragon $250K sits in storage off Elliot St. – send Setti to DC with it on trailer..
note to Shane – word on street is over-salting is occurring, why = ‘use it or lose it’ budgetary demand..
Very Funny! It was melted by the time they got there!
A couple of people emailed me and asked if this was for real or, perhaps one asked, from the Onion. I’m pretty certain it’s not.
I can confirm seeing it on the mayor’s Facebook page.
Too funny.
And I love the Village 14 shout out!
For what it’s worth, the original tweet appears to have been edited. On the Mayor’s feed it now says #NewtonDPW “did” a great job, not “is doing” a great job, clearing the snow. Puts a different spin on it. Either way, I’d have included a tip of the hat to Mother Nature on this week’s snow removal.
Hi all, sorry to disappoint but this is not a joke! Even with a relatively small amount of snow, it’s important to ensure that parking spaces and sidewalks are safe and accessible, and DPW did great work making this site as clear as possible.
Also for what it’s worth, I have no idea how the Mayor’s tweet got embedded into my post. Didn’t intend to do that and not sure how to do it. Pretty slick move, though.
I’ve been following these posts on my phone. The picture is even funnier when it’s bigger on the computer. This could start a meme of placing credit where it’s not necessarily due. Patriots offensive line doing a great job protecting Brady today!
How did he know where to plow? Did he have a public meeting and allow the participants to put lego’s where to plow???
Hi Aaron, nice to see that you are following V14, but what about the Mayor? Is he too busy out campaigning to engage directly with the citizenry on the blog? Misinterpretations such as this latest perception of comic relief do nothing to further the administrations’ public image.
Yes Aaron, it is a joke. Maybe unintended…but that’s what makes it even funnier. Let the memes begin!
Sadly, much of the public now views every action the administration takes through the lens of the Mayor’s next potential job. So when it’s all about PR, and the PR looks just plain silly, it just reinforces that view.
Is that fair? Probably not. Setti’s has done some very good work. But the overall image continues to be one of an honest but self-focused politician who prefers to be practically anywhere but here.
I’d love to see us with a Mayor who wants the job for the job itself rather than a stepping stone, and spends their time listening (really listening) to the people of Newton. To get that, we need to all work together to help get Setti promoted to a higher office or appointed by someone to something irresistible.
Nope, nothing fair about that attack, Charlie. This botched tweet was ostensibly to tout performance of DPW operations after a mild storm, and unlikely in any case to propel our mayor to a higher office. Criticize the mayor all you like, but please try to base it on something real, not just appearances.
Clearly the post’s main point was not about a silly PR mishap.
Read it again…digest it. Then refute if you feel you can.
‘Like common sense, a politician cannot be taught a sense of humor’ – Bernie Sanders