Newdoom | Newton MA News and Politics Blog… you can’t take Newdoom out of the man.

Activist/architect/gadfly/former Village 14’er Anatol Zukerman moved away from Newton about 2 1/2 years ago.   The setting of his book “The City of Newdoom” has a very familiar ring to it though.

I’m not sure if it was “The Newdoom North High School project that grew from $40 to $200 million”, or the endless plans for “the reconstruction of Nincom St”, or the “Rampart Avenue Landfill”, or maybe the “Newdoom Center Task Force”, or the local newspaper – the Red Tabby, but something about the story seemed vaguely familiar.

When the dead body of a city councilor is found in the “Hall of Freedom”, there are no shortage of suspects for the murder – everyone from the mayor, to a young community activist, to a local developer, to a “reputable intellectual and Russian immigrant”, to a “wealthy investor and mayoral candidate”, and the mayor’s secretary.

I’m guessing that folks who’ve lived around here longer than me will find lots more familiar details and characters throughout the broad satire.

Anatol moved from Newton to Plymouth and he’s apparently settling into his new home – also in the book is a play called “Pilgrims and Indians” set in Plymouth.