The Globe’s Ellen Ishkanian reports on an event organized by Superintendent of Schools David Fleishman. Earlier, also from the Ishkanian in the Globe: Newton tackles ‘unrelenting’ stress of college admissions
Fleishman seek to lessen the stress surrounding college applications
by Greg Reibman | Dec 5, 2015 | Newton | 2 comments
I’m so glad to see the Superintendent stepping up to address this issue. Read the article. Look at the numbers. We have an epidemic of stress in our high schools. It’s such a shame that the Newton School Committee has left thousands of these kids vulnerable to unnecessary systemic stress, by failing to change high school start times. Early morning start times result in sleep deprivation, a major cause of stress among teens.
@Mike. I agree. The number one thing that can be done to relieve stress is to start high school later. The evidence on this is unambiguous and supported by American Academy of Pediatrics and the CDC. We know starting high school late helps. Why not put our effort in the proven? Every day we delay is another day where we subject our children to mental and physical health issues.
If any parents are concerned about the fact that our high school start so early, please email me at [email protected] I am forming a network of concerned parents that will support the Newton Public Schools in making a change soon. We should be in full gear in late January.