baby john johnThe Newton Firefighters Association is holding a fundraiser on  Friday Nov. 27 at 7:30 p.m., at the American Legion Post 440, to benefit John Morris, the six month old infant son to firefighter John Morris and Colleen Morris.

“Baby John John” was recently diagnosed with Neuroblastoma, a form of childhood cancer and this news has taken quite a toll on the Morris’s family.

The NFA is asking for financial donations, silent auction items, raffle items, and ticket sales for the fundraiser.  All proceeds will go directly to the Morris family to help aid them during this fight.  Checks can be made out to Newton  Firefighters  Children’s Fund  (write  ‘Mo strong’ in the memo) or you can donate  and learn more online here. 

If you are able to lend any assistance to this cause or would like to buy a ticket to the event, please contact Brian Merrill at [email protected]