Welcome to Newton’s first (to our knowledge) virtual Aldermanic Candidates Forum, on Newton’s Transportation Sustainability.  Background, context, and ground rules can be found here.

Below are three questions for responses by aldermanic candidates in contested races only:

  1. 1.9 million vehicle miles are driven each day in Newton, producing congestion, pollution, and nearly a third of Newton’s greenhouse gas emissions. What role do you see that non-vehicular transportation (e.g. walking, biking, etc.) should play in reducing these problems and what specific policies and priorities would you support to address this issue and what specific targets would you set by when?
  2. How would you define “complete streets” as a transportation policy for Newton?  Would you advocate for policy requiring all projects in Newton which impact transportation be funded, planned, designed, and built and maintained  in compliance with the complete streets policies as defined, e.g., here, prior to awarding contracts for any part of the project?
  3. Development projects often require transportation mitigation funds. Would you support efforts to equitably apportion transportation-related investments that result from new development projects, such that:
    a) At least 50% of transportation mitigation funding is allocated to improving transit, bicycle, and pedestrian mobility at and to the project site, or
    b) That these funds are deposited in a “sustainable transportation fund” such that the city can improve transit, bicycle, and pedestrian mobility throughout the city?