Bikeable, walkable villages are good for business. But the planned reconstruction of Bridge St. at California St. is focused solely on moving more cars through this mini-commercial corner. To show that bikes are good for business, join Bike Newton this Saturday between 11am – 2pm at this corner and re-hydrate/re-energize with a small purchase at the Grocery Garrison, the mom & pop convenience mart here. Make sure to walk/jog/bike Newton’s gem of a greenway to get there. The proprietor, Peter, is all for this!
This intersection just happens to be the key missing link in the world-class Charles River Greenway in Newton. Cyclists, joggers, and pedestrians use both sides of the gorgeous river greenway until they are funneled into this hostile, car supremacy zone. Yet the commerical potential of this corner to cater to tired and thirsty pedestrians, cyclists and joggers is enormous.
Bike Newton will have a shade canopy, a table and a few chairs to test how outdoor seating could work here. Also, we’ll have bike valet parking (there isn’t a single bike rack here currently). We’ll be eager to share ideas with you and Peter of the Grocery Garrison about how we can encourage Newton to show it’s a bike friendly community and live up to its commitment to a complete streets design approach.
Nathan: For those who for various reasons cannot jog, bike, or even walk very far at all, are there parking spots available to complete the complete street plan?
– There is abundant street parking all along California Street in the vicinity. There’s also a glut of unused parking and a total of ONE disabled spot across the street at Pudddlestompers Nature Exploration. The lot is virtually empty on weekends but I will ask specifically whether they would be OK with mobility imparted people parking in this lot on Saturday.
– I would fully support disabled parking as part of a complete streets policy here and elsewhere. Having loved ones dealing with increasing mobility constraints, I am sensitive to your concerns. That is why it frustrates me to see so many able-bodied people in single occupancy vehicles making trips of convenience when they could be clearing our roads and parking spaces for the folks who genuinely need them.
– Excess parking capacity is one of the most unexploited assets available to the collaborative economy. And now there are apps (SpotParking). Newton needs to move into the 21st century and start planning with these transformative tools now available.
– I happen to be extremely fortunate to have the physical health to bike around, and it helps me to keep my health. But someday my mobility will decline too. My hope is to one day transition to an e-bike and ultimately a stable electric scooter, so that I can continue to enjoy our amazing Charles River Greenway.
This sounds like a great idea. If I didn’t have a prior engagement, I would probably take a walk, get some signatures, and of course purchase something at the Grocery Garrison. I’ll still stop there later in the day to support them.
I hope many of you choose to go in my stead.
Great weather to be on the Charles River Greenway today!
Here’s a letter we’ll have on-hand today for signatures supporting a connected Charles River Greenway:
August 1, 2015
Public Safety and Transportation Committee
Newton Board of Aldermen
Newton City Hall, Room 105
1000 Commonwealth Avenue
Newton, MA 02459
Dear Aldermen,
Biking is good for business, especially along our world-class Charles River Greenway, with a captive audience of joggers and bicyclists. But Newton’s gem of a greenway is broken, with an unsafe gap at the intersection of Bridge St. and California St. – a charming mini-commercial streetscape that is currently planned for renovation by the City, but with NO planned bike facility upgrades.
While expert cyclists can manage to navigate this intersection (and currently do so only to bypass it) it is our most vulnerable users – kids learning to ride bikes, families on bike outings, and seniors trying to stay active – who will benefit most from safe and convenient bike and pedestrian facilities that link seamlessly to the Greenway through this intersection. These folks and others will also surely appreciate convenient commercial areas to park their bikes, rest, and rehydrate while supporting local merchants.
There are many complete streets design options that optimize travel by all users: mobility-challenged motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, scooters, and motor vehicle riders, and help reduce traffic congestion by giving able-bodied people another way to get around other than by car. Smart use of the streetscape can maintain sufficient parking, road capacity, and dedicated pedestrian and bike facilities, while promoting reduced car traffic volume and enhancing active transportation.
Literally hundreds of resident just across the river in Watertown’s new Greenway-connected apartment complex may walk or bike to Newton’s shops instead of driving if it were more inviting to do so. The mini commercial area at Bridge and California Streets has enormous, untapped potential as a vibrant pit stop and destination for walking and biking residents, visitors, and employees.
We, the undersigned, ask that Newton’s Public Safety and Transportation Committee work with the Mayor, the Newton Traffic Council, Transportation Advisory Group, Bicycle Advisory Council, and advocacy groups including Bike Newton and the Newton Bicycle and Pedestrian Task Force to find solutions benefiting all users of this intersection, and to make complete our unique and wonderful amenity, the Charles River Greenway.
Thank you for your work to make Newton and more livable community.
Signed (name, address): _______________ ____________________________________
Nathan, thank you for organizing this event. I fully support the concept of complete streets that benefit all users. I’m sorry I can’t be at this event today. I am out of town.