I thought everyone was supposed to clear their sidewalks. Homeowners, businesses, and the city too. This stretch of sidewalk on Walnut Street, is frequently used by high school students and others. Located at the intersection of Commonwealth Avenue, across from City Hall, it was still snow covered on Wednesday, March 11th.
Whose responsibility was it to clean this sidewalk? The homeowner or the City?
That looks like it is across from city hall near the running statue, if so that is city property. There is no home there and the city landscapers with city trucks are there in the summer.
Thanks Lassy – So why hasn’t the City cleaned it up? And they want to fine homeowners when they cant do their job?
This city has a major issue – we understand it was an extremely difficult winter – but really across from City Hall and they cant clean a sidewalk? Does the Mayor or his MD Chief of Staff not see it??
Between the NECN piece and this photo taken today- Really sad for our city.
@Keith – What are the black things in the foreground in the snow?
Pods from the Locust trees.
Does Newton have a 411 line or city Twitter account where this can be reported?
@Coleen – Aha! Thanks
Lot of people don’t like honeylocust pods, and now we only plant seedless cultivars as street trees, but I think they’re cool. And easier to rake than Norway maple samaras!
Yes, that parcel is city-owned. It’s the triangle bounded by Comm. Ave, Lakeview Ave, and Walnut St. Not to cause a ruckus or hijack the discussion, but I see that this particular vacant, city-owned parcel is 18% larger than the Austin Street Parking parcel. Hmmm.
@Bruce Henderson – “not to cause a ruckus” indeed ;-)
Bruce, I am sure the mayor would welcome with open arms a 5 story / 80 unit condo complex right up the street from his home and current office as long as his neighbor, Robert Engler, gets to develop it.
Since we already know the city does not clear all of its sidewalks and the snow is melting anyway, let’s talk about new oversized affordable housing developments.
@Matt: Indeed we do have a 311 system right from the City’s main website: http://www.newtonma.gov/default.asp
I walk several miles every day, and the percentage of city sidewalks that have been cleared is much worse than either residential or commercial. I have submitted seven reports of egregious cases to the city’s 311 system and only one has been addressed.
How about some suggestions for a new name for Newton’s 311 system. Here’s mine: Newton’s Computerized Circular File.
I am sure our Alderpeople will chime in with specifics but basically all our sidewalk blower equipment failed, blades only really work for the first snow storm or if there is significant melting before the second. The two new units we got 2 weeks ago and 1 of the older units were all that had blowers working (if I remember right), so 3 units(and really they may have been working for just the last storm) and we have what 5 snow clearance routes, plus city owned sidewalks, plus street corners… Have you been to DPW? They don’t even have the sidewalk out front of the maintenance yard on Crafts cleared! Our stuff broke due to poor maintenance and/or underuse over the past few winters. We also did not have an active snow plan. I think many folks would understand if we knew equipment was broken but there has been silence on the failures from the Mayor from our Alderpeople from everybody…(though thanks for approving the new purchases the new units were a smart investment as was that darn snow melter last year)
FWIW, the sidewalk pictured is not on the plow route, even though it abuts city property. The opposite side of Walnut is supposed to get cleared. Given what John said about the conditions of the plows, sometimes it was better if the sidewalk was not plowed this winter.
Also to be fair the city did rent a number of different equipment units, but there is only so much around that is spare to rent. A lot of things conspired against us…no community really fared much better (which is pretty darn sad). The priority on clearance is ambiguous, but is something a comprehensive snow plan would be able to fix. In theory one would be able to pick a stretch and see if the city were to clear that, how soon after a storm, and what contingencies were in place in the case of multiple storms etc. This stretch is not on the list and having to walk back from City Hall a couple times this section was no worse than the many home owners on Walnut who did not clear their sidewalks either…
Lets not all forgot about this come May…
@Jerry: The real ruckus will be among all those who will be clamoring to live at “Heartbreak (Hill Hotel and) Towers” because these residences will be:
…A mile to Newtonville (MBTA train station) or to Newton Centre (MBTA Green Line);
…A half-mile to Newton North HS or to Four Corners (Whole Foods, MassChallenge offices in the former South Pacific space, etc.);
…On the #59 bus route to Newtonville, Four Corners, Newton Highlands (MBTA Green Line), and the companies in the N2 Corridor;
…On the Comm. Ave. carriage lane, near green space, Bulloughs Pond, and the Library;
…Just steps from City Hall …and BoA meetings(!);
…With a great view of the Marathon.
That’s a pretty well traveled area, it should be plowed. Home owners who are on less busy streets don’t get to say ‘well, I’m not in an area with a lot of walkers so I won’t shovel.’
The City has taken a pass on clearing it’s own sidewalks. When you file a 311 request they tell you it will be taken care of within 7 days (another joke). It rarely happens. We need a Mayor that is a hands on Manager.
It is really quite unfortunate that these sidewalks are not being cleared. However, it might be partially due to the fact that the homes near those sidewalks are not occupied, or there is someone living there that is unable to get the snow removed. In these cases, it would probably be best to get someone to come and do snow removal. Then there won’t be such a problem of having high snow, especially when kids are walking to school!