David Fleishman sent this to Angier and Zervas families today…
Dear Angier and Zervas Communities,
It is a very exciting time as we update our elementary school facilities in Newton. As you are aware, both Angier and Zervas will be moving locations over the December break during the 2015-2016 school year. This will be a major undertaking, as both schools will need to pack and unpack within a short time period.
As a result of this unique circumstance, last night I proposed to the School Committee that Angier and Zervas have some slight adjustments to their calendar for next year. First, we are recommending that students at both schools be dismissed at noon on the three school days (December 21st-23rd) right before the December break in order to give faculty and staff time to pack before the moves. Please understand that the packing involves a significant effort on the part of the staff given the amount of materials stored in classrooms.
The moves will take place over the December break. The faculties will need ample time following the break to prepare their classrooms for students. As a result, we are also recommending that both Angier and Zervas be closed for students on Monday, January 4th and Tuesday, January 5th. The first day back from December break for Angier and Zervas students would be Wednesday, January 6th, 2016.
Since all schools in Massachusetts are required to be open 180 days for students, we will need to make up these two days. As you can imagine, coming up with two make-up days is a challenge and we thoroughly reviewed all options. At this stage, we are recommending that Angier and Zervas be open for students on Columbus Day, Monday, October 12, 2015 for a full day.
There will also be an additional half-day for students at the end of the 2015-2016 school year. Please note that this half-day is making up for the half day that students are losing on Tuesday, January 5th. Next year, the last day is scheduled to be June 21st (no snow days) and June 28th (5 snow days). By adding this additional half-day, the last day for Angier and Zervas students would be June 22nd (no snow days) and June 29th (5 snow days).
We anticipate you will have questions regarding the specifics of this proposal. We will be in touch in the coming weeks with further details including afterschool options for students.
While we recognize that these changes are not ideal, the mid-year move is an unprecedented necessity that will provide both schools with state of the art facilities. The School Committee is scheduled to both discuss and vote on these proposed changes at their March 23rd meeting. In the meantime, please feel free to send your thoughts on this recommendation to [email protected]
Many thanks for your understanding and consideration. It is most appreciated.
David Fleishman
Superintendent of Schools
Although I am sure this will upset some parents, I like the idea that this plan is being put into place with an incredible amount of notice to everyone. I also think that the plan is perfectly reasonable.
I live very close to the Carr School. My children attended Horace Mann. Now that the Carr school has been renovated I believe it is time to turn the facility back to the families that live in the district.
Move all the Zervas children to Horace Mann as a swing space facility.
Colleen – I have been saying that for at least 3 or more years. IT will never happen. I agree with you but I had even spoken to SC members about it. It would have been logical but sometimes logical and Newton should not be used in the same sentence.
From where I’m looking, there are no good solutions to this problem, just choices from among less-than-ideal options. I’ve been in conversations with both Zervas and Angier families, and have heard many suggestions, focusing on themes of half-days, childcare costs to families, and the length of the school year. Here are some specific comments I’ve already heard:
1. No more half-days! They are wasted learning days and will cost parents additional childcare costs or will require parents to take vacation time;
2. Avoid half-days – take off full days as necessary to pack, move, and unpack. Make up lost days on February vacation.
3. Pay teachers and movers to pack, move, and unpack over weekends and/or over school winter break. Don’t disrupt student learning by creating additional half-days;
4. NPS and the aftercare programs should collaborate to provide care for free; this cost should be part of the project budget rather than be carried by parents;
5. Don’t extend the calendar – it runs too late as it is;
6. Consider making up days on religious holidays/Veterans Day;
7. Poll impacted families about their concerns and suggestions.
Please share your thoughts and suggestions both here and by email to [email protected]. Two school communities are going to get some pretty wonderful new buildings but the road there is not without speed bumps. Help us make those bumps as small as possible!
Regards, Steve Siegel, Ward 5 Newton School Committee
Helpful post.
#1 is key. I was disappointed to see that Fleishman is apparently OK with taking away school time without having to make it up because the half-days are technically counted in the 180 day rule. It’s poor judgment, and not Newton parent values.
Some combination for #s 2 and 3 feels right.
I was stunned when I got this letter. Stunned.
Steve, I am interested in knowing if this proposal is really what is going to happen, or is the school committee and the Superintendent open to changing this proposal. Because I am hoping it will change, but if it is in stone, then I am really disappointed.
Your post was SPOT ON. Please no more half days. I am not clear, but from what I understand Angier/Zervas will be a half day on the LAST day of school and another half day on the Angier/Zervas last day. Please let me know if I am incorrect.
Also, am I to assume that this year teachers will pack but in future elementary school renovations there will be room in the budget to hire professional packers and movers? But this move will not have those items?
Why not start before Labor Day (next year has a very late Labor Day)? Change the contract?
I think polling parents would have been an excellent start. Many people assume that all Newton parents have one working parent and one stay at home parent. Many people also assume that all Newton working parents have a large wallet. As an hourly employee for a firm . . . I have 15 vacation days that I use during summer vacation gaps and December vacation. That is it. As does my husband. Neither of us have unlimited vacation days.
Many parents do not use Angier Afterschool or Zervas Afterschool. Some hire baby sitters, and some use Countryside Afterschool or Rec Place. Has anyone reached out to these programs? Who will cover the cost of the program? If they are willing to open during those hours/days, their employees will need to be paid. Will NPS pay a private program? And finding care BEFORE December 25 is very difficult as many college students who work for these programs are flying OUT of Boston. Three half days and two full days out of school at my cost?
As a parent impacted by this decision, I am shocked. Three half days does not equal three full days of school. Why is this okay? Why is okay to take away educational instruction from these children?
I am open to ideas, but the prosposal has me worried about trying to find quality care for my child, paying for the care, and losing the educational content of school. I am also concerned about the kids who receive SPED services (OT, PT, social prags, high anxiety). These children are going through a hard time transitionning into a new building, and losing their support before and after break will be tough. Those families need support during the transition, and those kids need the daily routine of school. Three half days and two full days off will not help their therapies.
Newton Mom – You are giving Steve Siegal WAY TOO much credit – those points were NOT his suggestions but rather “I’ve been in conversations with both Zervas and Angier families, and have heard many suggestions, focusing on themes of half-days, childcare costs to families, and the length of the school year. Here are some specific comments I’ve already heard:”
You are expecting too much to get an original thought from a SC member. They lost me and my vote when they allowed a PLAGARIST to continue as Superintendent.
And as for this – First – the whole school system should have been starting school before Labor Day – because as you can see if we have alot of snow days next year too – school will end on June 28th – with NO leeway to add on days as the teachers contract ends on June 30th.
As for Setting up their rooms – funny how my niece who is a K teacher in Waltham- rally’s her cousins and friends to go help her set it up a week before school starts. Now there’s a thought.
I hope all the Angier and Zervas Parents – give the Superintendent and the SC major PUSH back on this.
I am an Angier parent–we both work and use an after school program. I understand that the schools need the time to move and I am supportive of the plan to give the teachers time to set up their classrooms. But…the superintendent should have reached out to all the afterschool programs before providing specific dates. It’s unclear whether the programs will be able to staff half-days right before Christmas.
Every parent I know is worrying about what to do with the kids the last week of summer this year because school starts so late. I propose starting school before Labor Day to make up the lost days.
It is really hard to look past the plagerism. Although he didn’t plagerize this idea – no one could think of a less educationally sound plan!
What I really want to do is drop my daughter off at his office for those five days (three half days and two full days) and let him care for my sweet little girl for the day. Maybe he can provide some educational materials for her to read and do for the days? Maybe he will understand that she needs to be in school learning. This idea is very tempting, since I will be at work, and then he can see how adorable and smart she is!
I hope that there are better solutions that can be adopted, and this isn’t the “final” plan.
@Joanne, Angier Parent, Newton Mon – Start school before Labor Day?!!? Please no. Isn’t that illegal? If not, it should be. Doesn’t that violate our constitutional right to a complete summer ;-)
@Joanne – You seem to be attacking Steve Siegel for listening to, and taking into account parents concerns. Isn’t that what we want our school committee members to do?
Actually Jerry – I wasn’t Attacking him – I was trying to point out to Newton Mom who thought Steve Siegal had listed those as options that were his idea. Actually they were not but ideas of parents who I am sure have been bombarding his phone and emails.
And yes they could start before Labor day – as the Teachers contract actually doesn’t allow them to go beyond June 30th but I think the could start on September 1st and then we wouldn’t be ending on June 28th.
Great Idea – Newton Mom – Leave the kids at the Ed Center and Let the Superintendent teach them about how NOT to Plagiarize.
And on a more serious note – Maybe he needs to sit down with the Zervas and Angier teacher and negotiate that they will come in during the break and fix their rooms. They are going into a Brand New School – I would think they can do a day or two extra to make sure everything is smooth.
Either that or get some HS kids that need some Service Internship and have them help the teacher pack and unpack.
I am sure that some HS kids would be willing to help. We have over 3000 HS students in the NPS – I would think we could get 50 kids to help the teachers over the break. Give them Service Recognition etc. Now that is a novel idea – I wonder why our Superintendent or SC did not think about that!
Newtonmom, it’s stated several times that this is a recommendation being proposed on which the SC is seeking “thoughts and suggestions” before voting on March 23. (Thus not a final plan) Steve Siegel bravely posted the ones he’s heard and asks for any others. You have some good suggestions with reasons to back them up, be sure to send them in.
Angierparent, the dates are recommendations and after school programs are sure to be a big part of the decision making process. It’s important to share your ideas about solutions with the SC.
Joanne, it’s hard to ignore your insults and find the parts of your posts that are relevant, but you have some good ideas hidden in them. One is paying HS students to help. Starting school before Labor Day. Negotiating with the teachers I’m sure is being done but implying they should give up their break because they are getting a new school instead of working, as they have for years, in an environment with leaking and falling ceilings, mold, etc. is disrespectful.
I don’t know why any School Committee member ventures onto V14 because it is certain they will be attacked like a ferocious animal no matter what they say.
I have sent my opinions to the school committee, and I urge all parents to do the same thing. I am concerned that the public comment section of the meeting is a formality and nothing is going to change.
And, I contacted my own after school program who had not been notified of this change. I was the first person to email the director of the program, and she wasn’t sure what the program could offer at this point. I wish they had communicated with the after schools before this, so they were included.
Please, let’s start earlier and end earlier in the year, regardless! The end of June is just plain cruel.
Cabot parents should be a part of this discussion, too; they are next.
@NewtonMom, please come to public comment if you can and speak to us. I realize the format of public comment can be a little off-putting, but we are listening, I assure you. In addition, the school committee is holding office hours this Monday (March 16) from 6:30 to 7:15 PM at the Ed Center. We want to hear from you.
And you can always call me or email any of us directly. Our contact information is listed here – http://www.newton.k12.ma.us//site/Default.aspx?PageID=688 I am always happy to take calls from people, so please reach out.
Marti – So the Superintendent can recommend that ” At this stage, we are recommending that Angier and Zervas be open for students on Columbus Day, Monday, October 12, 2015 for a full day.” Which last time I checked was a HOLIDAY and also a Long Weekend Holiday for Many. Will those teachers be paid overtime for working on a Holiday?
But I cant suggest that they work a day or 2 during a 10+ day holiday break to set up their rooms?
I don’t support taking away teachers’ vacation time.
It’d be good for us to have solutions beyond just that even if you do support it. It’s hard to see any solution that solely relies on teachers working during their off-time.
What about the bus schedule? Will the City be paying the 8 bus drivers overtime on Columbus Day? And I know our afterschool is closed on Columbus Day, so do they expect each child to take the bus home?
What about the extra bussing for the early dismissal on December dates? Instead of paying extra for different bus schedules, why don’t we pay professional movers to pack, and let the teachers teach our children?
I have a suggestion. There are a lot of NewtonMoms and Dads who are stay at home parents. I know this because they used to come into my store all the time asking me for donations for the Newton Public Schools and they told me that they like to spend their time bettering the Newton Public Schools and building playgrounds etc. because they don’t work regular 9 to 5 jobs and they have lots of free time. Why don’t these stay at home folks get a little committee started and offer to help the teacher’s pack up their classrooms? They were very organized and efficient at asking for donations so it shouldn’t be too hard for them to pull together over a coffee meeting at the Waban Starbucks. I would think that they would like to put some elbow grease in and help out the teachers with this dilemma?
Moving from one school to another is an enormous undertaking. Weston just moved into their new 4th and 5th grade school this year. They were able to schedule it over the summer and most of the classrooms were packed at the end of the school year. As with any move into a new space, not just schools, there were a lot of things that didn’t quite work as planned and took time to correct.
This will be more difficult during a major holiday and vacation period. This move benefits the entire town as it moves along the process for all our schools to be upgraded. It benefits the children involved, and their parents, as they will have a much better environment for them in which to learn without the distractions of ceilings falling in the middle of class, pails of water in classrooms collecting water from above. They will have classrooms that fit the numbers of students, actual rooms dedicated to Special Ed, instead of closets and hallways, a cafeteria instead of having to eat lunch in class or in the hallways, meals prepared on site and on and on.
It would be wrong for our children’s teachers to bare the responsibility of this move. Everyone involved needs to help and help come up with solutions that work for as many people as possible.
I truly think it is great that “We” are coming up with great suggestions- Parent volunteers, my idea of HS kids volunteering would be great help. But shouldn’t our Highly paid Superintendent and his staff be Thinking out side the ( Moving) BOX?? And having teachers in my family – I know that my niece always rally’s her cousins and some friends to help her set up her Kindergarten Classroom every year.
And yes – even though some of us work on Columbus Day – How does the Superintendent really think that will work? Have they thought about the buses, the afterschool programs, and the parents who have to also work on that day or the parents who use that as a long weekend for their family?
Last summer, the Angier PTO organized lots of volunteers to help pack and move. I’m sure the same will happen this year, but with it being over the holidays, the pool of volunteers may be smaller. I wonder if the superintendent talked to the PTOs about what resources were available last time and how those could be used for this move.
This is going to sound very rude – if the teachers have to pack and move, over a holiday, I hope the superintendent, his staff and the school committee volunteer to help during the holiday season. They should block those three days before vacation, every day during vacation and the first two school days of 2016 to pack, move and unpack. If he thinks that the “bonus” of having a new school is going to offset ruining the holiday break, he should also help full time. All of them should clear their schedules to undertake a major move during the December break (when family and friends are visiting). He will get to boast of a new school. He is part of the community.
I know this post is mean and targeted, but if he is going to ruin the teacher’s vacation (and the parent volunteers), he should be there every day doing the hard, manual job of packing.
And I know packing will occur during the school day. Last year my daughter packed up her classroom for the last few days. (Isn’t that sound education)? So part of being part of the community is having second graders pack and unpack, and then get to do it again in fourth grade. For the common good. The common good for her to do manual labor instead of learning about New England animals, math facts, spelling, reading. She is packing – but it is for the common good. And it is only for a few days. I am DONE hearing about it.
This is a mean spirited post, and I appoligize for the nastiness. Yes, the teachers and the students have a new school, but at what price. How many teaching hours are sacrificed for the “common” good or pulling together for the community? Tough it up. It is “only” three half days and “only” two full days that we will make up at Columbus Day and the end of the year. “Only.” Except this is my kid’s education, and she has ONE chance at second grade and one chance at fourth grade, and it should NOT be packing the classroom, or sitting in a babysitting room while her classmates across the city have FULL learning days and not greatly disrupted for the “common” good.
And I appoligize, but I just had to write this.