Trevor Jones, the Newton TAB’s senior reporter, has left the paper to go work for the Newton-based company Tech Target.
Jones joined the TAB in 2012 and really did an admirable job covering City Hall and Newton in his time. Our city will miss his coverage.
TAB editor Emily Costello writes on the TAB Blog that she’s looking for candidates to replace him.
Thanks Trevor, you did a wonderful job. Good Luck in your future endeavours.
In Needham, the most popular part of the newspaper has always been the police report, which is usually quite complete and gives people a good idea of what to look out for. We’re Newton newbies have only read the Tab a couple of times, but each time, the police report comes across as being very incomplete for a city of 86,000. I can appreciate that there are more highbrow topics to cover, but the police report is a useful public service for a community newspaper and the Tab’s seems to be pretty lacking. I wonder why?
PS I didn’t mean to take away from the story about Trevor…best of luck!
Hi Michael — welcome to Newton!
Unlike the Needham Times, the Newton TAB is a free paper. That means our “news hole” — i.e. the space we have to print news — is smaller than that of papers that are subscriber-based. As a result, we need to keep our copy short. We do attempt to get in all of the arrests and incidents, however.
BTW, I’m still taking those resumes, people.
Um. Emily, the Needham Times is a free paper too.
However Needham is a much smaller community (4 square miles) with a lot less crime.