Now that the Marathon/Opening Day is behind us, the real fun begins with the Board of Aldermen: Budget Time.
The budget officially opens Tuesday with the Mayor’s presentation to the BoA in full session. Then the Aldermen review sections in committee.
In the notices, you’ll find the TAB’s complaint that the Mayor’s practice of meeting with small groups of Aldermen to explain the budget is a violation of the Open Meeting Law.
Related to that, the Aldermen also will start to review increases to the water & sewer rates–once these are set, then the Utilities Department budget can be settled, and we’ll know how much progress the City can make on critical pipe repairs.
But not content to labor in the field of funding, the Board tomorrow night will vote on amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance, which I hope Julia or Katherine will explain to us in comments, below.
Also Tuesday is a vote on Austin Street, as well as to start the planning on rehabilitating the playground at Winchester and Dedham streets in the Highlands (south of Rt. 9) using CPA funds. A signal at the nearby intersection (and underpass) at Winchester/Rt.9 is also coming for a vote after being voted down in committee.
New items include another bid to shut down the Austin Street process, setting a date for the Ward 3 Alderman election, and moving a poll from Zervas to the Waban Library.
Finally, there will be more on the dispute with NSTAR about whether Newton or the utility should fix broken street lights (Wednesday).
And Traffic Council recently passed a Parking Plan for Auburndale.
Regarding the Tree Preservation Ordinance, what came out of Programs & Services, approved 7-0, was essentially what went in, and what I wrote about in the April 7 post, with the exception of a small, strengthening wording change from “lived in” to “lived in and being used as a residence,” suggested by THM.
There is a much better explanation than I could give in the Programs & Services report here:
with the discussion on pages 3-5, and the comparison of current and proposed language, and the complete text, included in subsequent pages.
@Julia: Thanks!