OK–infrastructure folks, gather round: Wednesday is your big day as the board will start to grapple with the Cabot School and Fire HQ/Station 3 financing. It will also review progress on Angier and Zervas. The report section will give you the most recent on the Carr update also.
But don’t stay home tonight: the Board meeting is preceded by a meeting on future uses of the Newton Centre branch library, aka health offices and 70 Crescent St, aka the parks & recreation back offices. Finance/tax wonks will want to read the Health Care Advisory Committee report.
For that matter, the water/sewer and stormwater presentations Wednesday have both financial (your rate dollars at work) and environmental (this is how we keep pollution in the pipes, not the river/lake) interest. The same bedfellows will enjoy reading the report on switching our streetlights over to LED–located in the Public Facilities report. The switch would also have safety benefits, since motorists will stand a better chance of seeing dog walkers, cyclists and other hazards to a dent-free finish on the SUV.
Andreae — Where can I view the waste water presentation? Is this available on-line? (Yes, I have no life…)
Hi Hoss:
I have been unable to find it, but have asked for help–at any rate, it should be in next week’s reports.
In the meantime, this makes for fun water-sewer reading: http://www.newtonma.gov/civicax/filebank/documents/40846
@ Hoss:
Help arrived–here you go:
Go to the Board of Aldermen Meetings
Newton, MA – 2013
See Committee of the Whole
Go across to “Board Actions”
Three powerpoint presentations are there.
Thanks to Ald. Deb Crossley for the direction!
Got it. Thank you
You’re welcome. Let me know what you think!