Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. in Newton and across the state Tuesday for the special senate election.
Democrats can choose between U.S. Reps. Stephen Lynch, D-9th, and Ed Markey, D-7th. Republicans can choose between former Navy SEAL Gabriel Gomez, former U.S. Attorney Michael Sullivan and state Rep. Dan Winslow, R-Norfolk.
Registered voters who are not enrolled with a major party vote in the primary of their choice. Here’s our polling locations. Here’s where you can find your precinct.
Make your pitch for your favorite or least favorite candidate here. And after you vote come and tell us how many seconds you had to wait in line and what number voter you were in your ward/precinct.
I can’t believe I’m writing this, but I just found I have to go out of town tomorrow. It’s too late to apply for an absentee ballot. Hence, I will not be voting. This may be the first time since I turned 18 that I haven’t voted. I’m already feeling anxious…
I just got home from canvassing for Ed Markey in Newton Upper Falls. A lot of people not home. Hit 31 houses and got 14 live respondents. 5 Markey and 0 Lynch, but most didn’t want to tell me.
High Street between Elliott and Rte 9 is my favorite canvassing area. A lot of old houses that haven’t been renovated but which are nicely maintained with old front porches, funky front yards, white columns black wooden screen doors that date back to the 40’s, huge trees and shrubs and an occasional resident tending the lawn with a vintage push lawn mower. This is the Newton I remember from childhood.
Toughest canvassing area in the city? West Newton Hill! Great response but what a trek.
Sincere Question from someone who always votes: If you know the punchline to a joke, do you want to hear it again? If you know whodunit, do you want to read “Ten Little Indians” again? When the one-armed man was caught in the final episode, no one watched the reruns of “The Fugitive”.
So why vote when a Democrat, Eddie Markey is going to win?
As long as he’d have a ‘D’ after his name, Edward Teach himself would win this election.
@Mark: Do you mean that the candidate with the “D” after their name will win in the general election in June? Because that’s what Martha Coakley thought too.
Oh and I still enjoy watching “The Fugitive.”
@Greg. You and I are in the minority. When “The Fugitive” tanked in the syndicated re-run circuit, for quite a few years TV show producers took that as a lesson not to close out a TV show’s running theme. That’s why the castaways never got off Gilligan’s Island at the end of its regular run. It wasn’t until a reunion movie in 1978 and even then, they ended up (spoiler alert!) back on the island.
Precinct 1, Ward 3: I was 48th voter (Bigelow Middle School)
And no, we don’t know who will win. If Markey (or Lynch) pulls a Coakley, and voters decide one of the R’s has got that Scott Brown Feeling (the 2010 model of course), all bets are off
At 8:40 a.m. I was voter 77 in 5/2 at the Hyde Center.
6/3, also at the Hyde Center, clearly was out to put 5/2 to shame. They had already seen 133 voters.
No stand-ups outside, no one collecting signatures for charter reform, Waban Area Council, to run for the special Ward 1 at large election in June or anything else.
Awww, Mark. Thanks for ruining my plans to watch the Gilligan’s Island remake tonight! Now I’ll have to watch election results instead.
@Mark – Even if you believe that no one with an R next to their name can win the election (I don’t), there’s two guys on the ballot today with D’s beside their names.
Ward 3/Precinct 3, #120 at noon.
171 at Ward Five Precinct one at 1:30
As with most things that have happened during Newton elections over the past five years, it’s pretty clear that this low turnout is all Gail Spector’s fault.
I accept full responsibility and look forward to reading what I did wrong for years to come.
My sources report 391 votes at 6:50 p.m. at Ward 8/Precinct 3.
Results are in… Markey has won Mendon.
Guess we’re done here!
I totally agree that if the candidate has (D) after their name they will most likely win In this state. You really can’t compare that Scott Brown won before because the only reason he won is because people wanted his vote against Obama Care. This state is extremely democratic Tierney won & everyone knew he was a crook but voted for him anyway. I think most voters in this state just go in & look for the (D) & pick that person without knowing anything about the candidate & that is really sad.
Scott Brown didn’t win in Massachusetts because people wanted his vote against Obamacare. He won because Martha Coakley was a horrible candidate. The election was hers to lose, and she did so masterfully.
@Greg. Most of Waban’s registered voters vote at Zervas. That’s where I found myself, with Waban Area Council Petition in hand, collecting a surprising number of signatures yesterday. The slow, but steady stream of voters afforded the opportunity to spend time explaining to our voting neighbors the advantage of local voices, though advisory, to bring local concerns to the City’s attention. We are not yet certain, but we may have just reached our 820 or so necessary signatures to be recognized by the City as a legitimate neighborhood area council. We should know very soon!
@Sallee: Fantastic news on the area council. I know this has required a lot of time and effort from a lot of people.