Former Newton Rabbi Jonah Pesner is “seriously exploring” a potential campaign for the U.S. Senate, David S. Bernstein of the Phoenix reports.
A rabbi at Temple Israel from 1999 to 2006, Pesner is senior vice president of the national Union of Reform Judaism, and founding chair of JOIN for Justice.
Newsweek’s the Daily Beast named Pesner one of the most influential rabbis of 2012
UPDATE Dr. Donald Berwick, a Newton resident and former Obama administration health is also said be “giving serious consideration” to running
Donald Berwick, a Newton resident and former Obama administration health is also said be “giving serious consideration” to running. State House News story here.
I think they’re “mulling” runs for different offices. Pesner is considering the senate. Berwick is considering the governorship. Which is really too bad. If we could just get these two guys to run for the same office, and somehow add a lawyer to the mix, we would have the makings of a really great joke. You know, A doctor, a lawyer and a rabbi…
I assume he’s a former Obama administration health official, not a former Obama administration health?
I really hope there is a well-contested primary. I’m extremely offended by the concerted effort to grease the skids for Ed Markey. As if the contested primary in 2010 was the reason Coakley didn’t beat Brown.
Julia: A contested primary certainly didn’t help her. The short time-line for this upcoming election and the significant name recognition advantage that Brown has makes it necessary for the Dems to unify relatively quickly behind a candidate.
As an aside, it would be interesting to have a religious figure representing us in the senate. I recently read about Father Drinan, the priest and House rep. who preceded Barney Frank. An intriguingly progressive individual for sure.