To say that the Atrium Mall is dying is like saying that John Edwards has an image problem. It just doesn’t do the problem justice.
What do you do with a mall that has layer upon layer of parking underneath and a mediocure position on Route 9? What about an Innovation Center?
Newton hasn’t been great at attracting the same buzz for its startup scene as Boston and Cambridge. I know you’re probably asking, does Newton even have a startup scene? Well, yes! Kind of.
I attended a presentation a few months back in which the panelists talked with animated passion about the great things happening in Cambridge surrounding Kendall Square, and got noticeably excited when people talked about Boston’s burgeoning Innovation District. Innovation thrives in cases of density. It’s why urban centers remain attractive to startups.
But when given a “lightening round” and asked to name how innovative some of the region’s companies were, those listed as being on the upswing were all in the western burbs. Names like A123, BigBelly Solar, iRobot, Kayak and Trip Advisor came to mind. At least two of those companies are in Newton. None are in Cambridge or Boston.
I used to work with TenMarks, an education startup. They landed in Chestnut Hill. When I asked the co-founder why, he said that the access was good, it allowed some people to drive while others could take the T, and he lived in Newton. He didn’t need to be going to Cambridge during rush hour every day, but if he needed to be there for a meeting it wasn’t a problem.
That’s the same logic that drove a lot of companies out to Waltham. So, what does this have to do with the Atrium Mall? Well, it’s a 15 minute walk from the T station in Chestnut Hill, not great, but not terrible either. It has underground parking, perfect for New England Winters, it’s only a short walk from a soon-to-exist shopping plaza that should give the young workers a place to go when they’re hungry.
Also, the idea of turning an unused mall into a place of business isn’t all that crazy. Rackspace did it for its headquarters. Imagine the Atrium with a top floor gym, the walkway turned into a padded track. Offices, cubicles, conference rooms, lunchrooms, etc. can fill what had been stores. Also, the kitchens will give the food-based innovation concepts a place to try out new things. You can even leave the Cheesecake Factory right where it is.
The question is: how do we make it happen? Or is this just a situation of a building that will die, be torn down and turned into something else?
great idea Chuck
Hear, hear! Co-working space, maker space, a place for small conferences……
As stated on a previous thread about the Atrium, I believe a hotel would be the best use for that building. Unfortunately the city has made itself unattractive to new hoteliers with onerous financial hurdles that must be addressed up front.
You have to also keep in mind that the property is valuable even though it’s struggling. Do we know if it’s for sale? If it is for sale, the owner is obviously going to take the best deal offered. I’m not sure how you would tie all these startups together under the auspices of a single buyer.
Additionally, is the property zoned for the use Chuck is proposing?
Brilliant idea
I think retail at the Atrium might recover when Wegman’s opens.
Must be tough writing about commerce under a non-commerce stiff, no?
Answers to the question about zoning in the Globe article:
The Atrium was built “by right.” I would expect that any change or intensification in use, e.g., medical offices, will probably require a special permit for a parking waiver/parking requirement reduction at the very least.
If there is any potential project that won’t require parking waivers, its got to be something to convert the Atrium. The Atrium is a massive parking structure that happens to have a failed mall on top. Oodles of parking. Probably enough parking to support a ten-story office tower.
The Globe article cites the city’s planning director, Candace Havens as saying that “without any major zoning changes, a new owner could add small restaurants, a bank, and offices, including medical office space, she indicated. A new owner could also add housing, lab space or a hotel, among other uses, but would need to first get a special permit from the city”.
When the Atrium opened I was stringing for AP, and it was unusual enough that I got sent over to take pictures to show how fancy it was.
Now, the last time I can remember going there was to eat at Pizzeria Uno with out-of-town cousins, probably at least 5 years ago. I hate to think the useful life of this edifice is even less than the old NNHS.
Does medical office space being a permitted use mean that the whole building could be medical offices? I hadn’t thought about it before, but I see Ted’s point about medical being a more intensive use in terms of parking. Most appointments are about a half hour, and most doctors seem to be fully booked, whereas if you go to shop or eat, you’re probably there at least an hour and a half.
There must be data on how many parking spaces are needed for x amount of space, by type of use?
An innovation center shouldn’t be nearly as parking-intensive as medical offices. Mostly parking for employees, with some visitors. And if there were enough offices with the usual business hours, it might even be feasible to have a shuttle that goes from the Chestnut Hill T stop to there, to encourage commuting via public transit.
The best alternative, IMHO, would involve mixed uses that would make the most of a shared parking arrangement. Ideally, it would have enough and the right mix of complementary uses to make it successful, where the Atrium failed.
Valle’s, anyone?
With his high cheek bones, Ted H-M can lease the Atrium and apply for a casino license. No more override or debt exclusion talk; slots and table games in Chestnut Hill will be the ticket to our children’s future!
Despite the glitz and some great stores, there has always been something cold and a bit unwelcoming about the Atrium. The artificial feel of corporate America at it’s worst. But then again, I feel most at home in villages like Upper Falls, Nonantum and my own Highlands.
I come back to being intrigued by Chuck’s initial recommendation about turning the Atrium into some kind of public/private economic and technical innovation center that would host a range of new and innovative entrepreneurs and cutting edge companies along with non-profit educational and research organizations with related missions.
This is kind of pie in the sky and very general because I simply do not know the economic obstacles or legal impediments that might get in the way of turning the Atrium into something like this. Parking and where the cash would come from are other obvious challenges. But there are many, many Newton residents who are already into this kind of ahead of the curve type of work, so there may be room for combustion here.
If this isn’t feasible, then Mike’s suggestion for a hotel is probably the next best bet since it would give the City additional revenue.
The Atrium has always seemed to be to be basically flawed – the wrong type of development in the wrong place, thoroughly disconnected from its context. In this way, it reminds me a little of the former City Square project in Worcester, and in fact both have lived much of their built lives in the process of emptying. Worcester is now redeveloping City Square to better reconnect it to their downtown.
The Atrium is of course different in that it is not in a walkable center. The trick for whoever takes it over will be to connect it to its surroundings while also getting it enough of a critical mass of activity inside. Or not. Back office, headquarters, or medical office will probably work there, but won’t really connect in much with the City at all.
Chuck’s original suggestion is an interesting one. In fact the EDC has been working with Suffolk University to see whether a small business incubator makes sense for Newton. While we left the question of “where” off the table, the general answer was that it does make sense for Newton and that it would be a great way to ensure that that stream of small innovative businesses continues to flow through our City going forward.
As for at the Atrium: Again, I think it could be made a good environment inside the four walls for an innovation center. I just don’t know if we can do anything about it to make people recognize it as a quintessentially “Newton” space. I also don’t yet know if that’s important for that goal.
Ideally, I’d love for us to have an institution in place which does foster the creation and nurturing of these innovative businesses but which then also helps us to continue to build the vibrancy of the villages – These concepts build on each other very nicely.
I have always thought that an elevated pedestrian walkway connecting the Atrium, the Mall, and the “Macy’s” shopping center would have made the whole area more convenient and improved the human traffic to all 3. Even though they are relatively close together, driving from one to another is extremely unpleasant. As each is essentially its own island, they must survive on their own.
Chris, I know about the business incubator idea. I think it is a good one, and Wells Avenue, for instance, might be a good place for it too. The problem with the Atrium is that it is not connected in any meaningful way to the rest of the city, and even when it was full of stores, it did not attract much pedestrian traffic (except from the apartment building next door). But see my next comment.
Denis, we did discuss that possibility when Chestnut Hill Square came in for a special permit. We have multiple landowners, some of which are in competition with one another, and did not want to make access to and from the other sites easier. It could still happen, but not with the current cast of characters.
The problem with Wells is that it’s so far off the beaten path from the rest of the city. Yes, I know that the Atrium itself is an island, but Wells feels like the hinterlands comparatively.
My wife has an office there and whenever I venture out that way my first impression is “wow, Newton must have wanted to put commercial business in the corner.”
What I like about the Atrium as this kind of space is that:
1) Its not terribly located. Being along route 9 has its advantages. This isn’t the best space for anything, but it’s relatively close to both Boston AND 128.
2) It’s unique. Startups like cool spaces as much as anyone. How easy would it be to tell a prospect “coming to our meeting? we’re in the Atrium, can’t miss it.”
3) It allows for different kinds of business experimentation. Spaces like Mass Challenge tend to cater to tech startups. And yes, we need that too. But the available kitchens allow for food innovation as well. Then, if you get a mass of people, you can do some retail experimentation. The loading docs make it possible to do some mail order innovation as well.
@Ted – As noted above in my post, I also favor having the incubator (or whatever we decide to call it) in a Village Center. It’s more connected, might be a great glidepath to keep these companies in the City once they grow, and also provides a great captive base for other village uses like restaurants.
But, Chuck’s not wrong, and the point re the kitchens is an interesting one. Food and food production could very well be a good opportunity for us in Newton.
Gentlemen, I don’t find much to disagree with in either of your comments.
Wells Avenue was a way to preserve a sensitive conservation area near the Charles River that would otherwise have been developed. I know that there are a fair number of vacancies there as well, which was why I mentioned it. The problem with village centers, as Chris I am sure knows, is that landlords are still demanding rents that only banks can pay–and, unfortunately, getting them from the banks. Perhaps newton should impose a moratorium on new banks in village centers? ;-)
>>> The problem with village centers, as Chris I am sure knows, is that landlords are still demanding rents that only banks can pay
A notable exception being Upper Falls. We could definitely use a shot in the arm and we’ve got plenty of nearby commercial space to spare.
@Ted – Check the docket. (Ahem.)
@Jerry – Agreed. Pettee Square has some good activity, but there’s a lot underutilized on Chestnut and elsewhere. Would love to see the mill preserved but reinvigorated.
Jerry, what commercial spaces are your referring to? I know of one vacancy on Chestnut. I have also heard stirrings recently regarding the Northland site. And there is a potential re-development of the Skipjacks and International Bicycle sites in the winds. Stay tuned.
Echo Bridge Office Park I believe has lots of available space. I can’t swear to it, but I think the old mill building at the corner of Oak and Chestnut has substantial space. I don’t believe either of those locations are high ticket rents (i.e. banks only)
The Northland site is a vast empty space, granted though that would be a major new development project though rather than existing space that’s ready to use.
Despite it’s shortcomings, I believe Wells Ave is one of the few places in Newton where the financial dynamic may work for an innovation center. Ted is right on target with that suggestion. The Atrium is prime real estate, and despite it’s current vacancy rate it’s still an extremely valuable property. Very hard to make the numbers work with new companies that may be years away from generating revenue.
This is a case where city leaders should be proactive, decide which use or uses would best serve the community, approach the property owner and offer an easy pathway to permitting should a Special Permit or variance be necessary. It’s much better to try and steer ownership in a mutually beneficial direction, rather than take our chances and end up with something we don’t want.
@Jerry– We posted at the same time, so I just saw your Echo Bridge Office Park suggestion. I think that’s an excellent location for Chuck’s idea for an innovation center. By the way, that property used to house the Mills Falls Restaurant, which was one of the city’s finer eating establishments in its day.
I love the idea of an innovation center – and the potential to weave the arts into a mix! Fantastic window space for rotating galleries viewed by restaurant patrons and other visitors, test kitchen events featuring musical entertainment or, better yet, a menu inspired by local artisans or musical works, small performance spaces, a comfortable and exciting environment for networking and showing off local talent, a vibrant building that encourages all audiences to explore the innovation of business, food, and arts in our community!
Who has time to think about permits when there is so much dreaming to do?