The still mysterious Newton Villages  Alliance has just issued an alert to its email subscribers calling for aldermen to “vote NO, and against putting the questions of establishment of a charter commission and candidates for such a commission on the November 2015 ballot.”

Here’s a copy of the letter they’re asking their supporters to send to the board:

RE: Docket #171-15 Charter Commission
Dear Members of the Board of Aldermen,
I am writing to ask you to vote NO, and against putting the questions of establishment of a charter commission and candidates for such a commission on the November 2015 ballot. The charter is a very serious document, and establishment of a commission to revise it and those who would serve on such a commission are matters that must be taken just as seriously. It is not appropriate for commission candidates to be expected to prepare themselves to, or for voters to be asked to choose the people who will, reshape the document under which we will be governed for decades to come – on short notice. Such unseemly haste does not serve democracy at all.
If you decide you want to see these questions come before the voters, I ask that you instead pursue a Home Rule petition to obtain permission from the Commonwealth to put the question of establishing a charter commission on the November 3 ballot but the candidates on the 2016 ballot, OR to place both these questions on the November 2016 ballot. Either scheduling modification would allow sufficient time for voters to study the issues at stake, and the candidates’ positions on those issues, before any vote on establishment of a proposed charter commission and those who would serve on it. Thank you for considering my views.