Lynne LeBlanc headshot | Newton MA News and Politics Blog

Good news for those of us who like contested elections. Newtonville resident Lynne LeBlanc has announced her candidacy for Councilor at Large (or I guess Alderman at Large until the state approves the home rule petition?) from Ward 2.

Here’s an excerpt from her announcement:

LeBlanc decided to get into the race out of a concern for Newton’s future. “As a first-rung suburb of Boston, Newton faces significant challenges as well as opportunities. The growth of Newton is inevitable but we must ask whether that growth will be at the expense of our city’s unique character with its distinct thirteen villages. There are those who would like to see Newton urbanize into something else, but I would like to see us maintain a commitment to our moniker, ‘the Garden City.’”

Another impetus for LeBlanc’s entry into the race is a commitment to transparency and accountability. “There is an impression among many that too often decisions are being made to benefit not the greater good, but rather to serve the interests of a select group of influential residents and insiders—particularly related to development. New faces, new voices, and new City Councilors from all walks of life can keep our city from being entrenched in ‘business-as-usual’ politics.”

You can read the complete announcement here. She tells me her website will be live later this week.

What do you know about Lynne? What do you want to hear from her? What are the issues you care about in this race (in which all of Newton can vote).