Ellen Ishkanian’s story in the Globe Sunday about the proposed a medical marijuana dispensary on Washington Street in Newtonville, quoted a number of residents who say they have no real objection to medical marijuana, they just don’t want them to locate the facility near them.

Not only that, said opponent Kathleen Kouril Grieser …

“It’s starting to feel like Newtonville is the dumping ground for experiments in urbanization for people from wealthier parts of the city. It feels like they are trying to advance an agenda to make themselves feel good at our expense.”

And added Bob Kavanagh

“I really don’t object to this facility being here, the factor of increased crime worries me a little bit, but I just feel like we’re being dumped on here.”

Kouril Grieser and Kavanagh, of course, are referring to the clinic plus other controversial developments in their village, specifically the Austin Street and Court Street.

Are they right, is Newtonville the “dumping ground” for Newton’s richer neighborhoods?

Or is Newtonville in this position simply because it has so much potential and is really on the verge of a Renaissance?

Or perhaps, is all this focus on one village simply a cruel joke someone is playing on Aldermen Johnson, Albright and Norton?

Or is this all just a coincidence?