The Globe had a story today comparing the number of sports related head injuries at 26 area high schools.

Newton South High School and Marshfield High School and had the highest reported number of head injuries (27 each), with Lexington (24), Duxbury (20) and Wakefield  (18).  But I’m n0t really sure how to interpret that data, since it doesn’t seems to seem to be weighed to reflect the sizes of the student population and what I assume are different athletic programs.

More surprising was the fact that Newton North High School had just six reported injuries.

So why were there 27 at South and six at North?

Is it that the program at North is doing a better job protecting kids heads? Or — as one expert quoted in the story notes –could it be that the program at South is more careful in its reporting.

“Paradoxically, the high school with the highest number is probably doing a better job than the high school with the lowest number, which is probably under-recognizing more,’’ said Robert [Cantu, clinical professor of neurosurgery at Boston University School of Medicine.Cantu].