Most Village14 posts are about the issue of the moment but I’ve collected a few groups of Village14 posts here that are as likely to be as interesting a year from now as today. Fee free to suggest more categories that we could consider adding. Or individual posts that we should add to these categories.
Newton Photo Scavenger Hunt – In the summer of 2020 Bruce Henderson published five photos every week of curious, odd, or mysterious objects that can be seen from a public place in Newton. The contest ran all summer. If you read down to the comments you’ll find where each of the objects are.
April Fools – April Fools stories have been an annual tradition for years on Village 14
In Memoriam – tributes to notable Newton citizens who have passed away
Newton History – Interesting local history tidbits
Odds and Ends – Misc posts that someone may want to come back to. Please send links to your favorites and I’ll add them.