Jim Morrison reported in today’s Newton Tab (sorry no link yet) about a plan to restore the Turtle Lane Playhouse in Auburndale.
Close to 100 residents turned up for a meeting last Thursday where local resident Stephen Vona unveiled a plan to build a mixed use development on the 1 acre site. The project would include a restaurant and 26 one and two units apartments which would pay for the restoration of the historic theater into a “state of the art performance theatre and function hall.
It sounds like this is just the first step since the project will definitely require a Special Permit from the Board of Alderman so there’s likely to be a lengthy public process involved before any of this could come to fruition.
While I wasn’t at the meeting and haven’t seen the details of the project, I’m thrilled to hear that someone’s looking to restore the theater. Much as I love Newton, one of it’s shortcomings is a dearth of good performance spaces. The more options for performance spaces we have, the more likely we’ll have more and better live theatrical and musical performances in the city.
Sorry for the delay in getting it online, Jerry. We reporters hate to get up before the crack of noon. :)
Here’s a link: http://newton.wickedlocal.com/article/20140618/NEWS/140616131
Thanks Jim. Now go take your nap.