I chair the Newton Fair Housing Committee, and April is Fair Housing month. This past week, I participated in a seminar sponsored by the Center for Civic Engagement & Next Gen Voices at NNHS this past week, which focused on the history of zoning and the creation of affordable housing in Newton. Alice Ingerson, PhD, put together a PPT that followed the development of Zoning from 1922 to the present, from which I am borrowing certain key excerpts. Then as now, the issues that were and are so polarizing were strikingly similar: whether to preserve Newton and keep it the “Garden City” existing residents knew and loved, or adopt multi-family zoning that would create housing opportunities which were affordable for lower income families as well as recent immigrants from Europe who settled primarily in Nonantum and Upper Falls, near the mills where they found work.
In 1922, when Newton adopted its first Zoning Code, the debate over exclusionary zoning bore a striking resemblance to the current discourse concerning the conversion of restrictive single-family zoning to allow multi-family dwellings by right in at least part of the City. Indeed, the arguments on the extreme fringe over zoning today echo and sometimes mirror those made in 1922. At that time, letters to the editor of the Newton Graphic concerning Newton’s first proposed Zoning Code included the following:
“[T]o preserve its institutions [the nation] must keep out those who would enter simply for their own selfish interests…. The leech fattens and lives by killing.
“[On] the zoning system … those who have built and settled have the right to rule….”
John Cutler, Newton Graphic, April 14, 1922, pp 1-2.
“The man who owns his own home … is the man who has made Newton the Garden City….
“Behind these people is … a wave of ‘flat dwellers.’ They own nothing….
“This is the logical time for the migration of the Flat Dwellers. Newton will either be a garden or a garbage city in twenty years, according as we act now.”
Ernest Cobb, Newton Graphic, November 24, 1922, p. 8.
Taking the opposing side is the author of this letter:
“Your correspondent’s special resentment against the ‘Flat-dweller’ … seems to be a little out of keeping with the spirit of Democracy…. [T]he greatest danger to America … grows out of this very tendency toward segregation and isolation, which makes one half both unmindful and unconcerned as to how the other half lives.”
Frederick Palladino, Newton Graphic, December 8, 1922, p. 8.
Newton Mayor Edwin Childs vetoed the Board of Aldermen’s single-resident district zoning twice, before reaching a compromise which created a “private residence” zone that allowed 1 and 2 family dwellings by right in areas that were already densely settled. In his inaugural address in 1923, Childs agreed with critics who viewed single-family zoning as “undemocratic, class legislation”:
“The first and second [zoning] ordinance passed I vetoed, and I have no apologies to make…. Both were founded on selfishness.
“After all it isn’t so much the sort of house as the people in it which makes or breaks a city. All of the good people are not found in single dwelling.
“[I]t is the character of the citizen that counts, and the Zoning Ordinance as adopted in my judgment will be of great benefit to Newton of the present and the future because it will make it possible for character to have an equal chance with money as our city grows.”
Mark Twain is supposed to have said “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” The competing arguments over zoning set forth above are, regrettably, also at the center of today’s debate over Zoning Redesign. Opponents on the extremist side of the issue often cite the rights of existing residents to dictate what can be built, and recite their nostalgic memories of how Newton “used to be” a Garden City. They want to choose their new neighbors, preferably families with children in housing that will settle here permanently and not “change the character of the neighborhood.” They go so far as to predict that if multi-family housing with affordable units is allowed in their neighborhoods that the new tenants will be putting refrigerators or mattresses on their balconies, or overpopulating the public schools, thereby destroying the social fabric of the community.
Those of us who support fair housing in Newton take a stance that “rhymes” with the words of Mayor Childs and Frederick Palladino: we see exclusionary zoning as an impediment to equal housing opportunity, economic progress, and promoting diversity. Viewed in the context of 100 years of Newton’s history, we see restrictive zoning—limiting residential development to single-family homes and requiring large lot sizes—as particularly “undemocratic” and “exclusionary” by design. Thankfully, after four years of an utter lack of leadership on “affirmatively furthering fair housing” from the White House and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, President Joe Biden has committed to expanding equal housing opportunities to all. He has signed an executive order that extends protections against housing discrimination to include sexual orientation and gender identity, and allocates $65 billion in new incentives to construct or rehabilitate low-cost, efficient, resilient, and accessible housing for communities—like Newton—that are suffering from an affordability crisis, which are willing to implement new zoning laws that encourage more affordable housing.
Like Mayor Childs, those of us who are committed to affirmatively furthering fair housing in Newton firmly believe that it is not buildings that make a community, but the character of the people who live in them. Similarly, we also believe that the adoption of the proposed Zoning Redesign “will be of great benefit to Newton of the present and the future because it will make it possible for character to have an equal chance with money as our city grows.”
To be sure, then, as now, the vast majority of Newton residents did not and do not fall into either camp. In my experience, most of the people who are afraid of, or at least skeptical about, Zoning Redesign do not harbor any animus toward any minority group, people with disabilities, low to moderate income households, or any of the other people who benefit from affirmatively furthering fair housing. Although governmental policies that promoted exclusionary zoning, redlining, and maintaining racial segregation in residential development are elements of the systemic racism that has created and maintained patterns of racial segregation in housing, opposing density or multi-family housing does not make you a bigot; being a racist does. Nor are supporters of affirmatively furthering fair housing seeking to destroy neighborhood traditions or the social fabric of our community, or take away Santa Claus Park in Nonantum. What we do want to do is win all of you in the middle or “undecided” column over to the side of supporting equal housing opportunity for all, and embracing our commitment to begin right here, in Newton. Which is why I am urging you to join us.
To learn more about Fair Housing, I invite you to download Newton’s Fair Housing Month Flyer at https://www.newtonma.gov/Home/ShowDocument?id=67878, where you can find links to sign up for a free, virtual Fair Housing Workshop sponsored by the MetroWest HOME Consortium on Sunday, April 11, and Thursday, April 19, 2021, as well as other informative fair housing resources. Thank you!
How interesting it is that people forget or deny what was said, even after it is written down and memorialized. How quaint was the evening during a Panera Bread hearing when a newton resident predicted that this would be the end of western civilization as we know it. Or the wonderful lies about Austin Street and the removal of all parking. So, Ted, we just gather ourselves as a community and keep moving forward to a build a welcoming Community here in Newton.
History may rhyme… but poems don’t often make logica sense. 🙂
Bigoted practice may have been prevalent in the past, and there still instances today, but it is not the primary barrier housing access. Newton political rhetoric often conflates fair housing, with available housing. In reality, these are two SEPARATE issues.
We should continue to work and champion for FAIR housing; call out lenders, landlords and whomever continues the racist practices of housing exclusion to POC.
But the “boogey man (or woman)” in the way of housing AVAILABILITY is the market itself. Homebuyers are not only competing with eachother, but also hedge funds and other corporate entities who’s only goal is to accumulate land and beholden themselves as the lords of lifetime renting.
Another competitor to housing (and more specifically homeownership) availablity are the mid and smaller scale developer. An example is the propery discussed in last week’s Land Use meeting. 145 Warren Street being transformed from a bordline historic property…
… to a 4 unit, high end project:
Is this change in name of fair housing? Pretty sure the answer is no.
As a community, we must continue to champion for fair housing. We must also use every tool available to create more housing accessiblity, without plunging our community into endless density and creating a value proposition that favors profit more than people. Our primary tool is zoning.
* Change zoning to multi by right only after the MTBA proves they can hold up their end of the bargain
* On projects going from single to multi, cap avaiable living space (i.e. smaller, more affordable housing)
* Reduce available parking spaces
* Year round overnight parking ban (to enforce the above)
Fair housing and housing availabilty requires our attenio and efforts. Only dealing with them separately, but with equal vigor will we be able to make a dent into each.
If by “reduce parking spaces” Matt is including converting publicly-owned surface parking lots into housing (like, say, the blighted triangle lot in Newton Centre), he’s one of the very few who is willing to call out the largest affordable housing opportunity staring us all in the face.
If you want to watch the “sausage being made” I recommend watching the 4/6/2021 hearing on 145 Warren accessed at:
Discussion starts at 20:30 and ends at 2:27:26.
@Matt, you only want to satisfy the first purpose of the Fair Housing Act, which is to prohibit housing discrimination. The second purpose is to “affirmatively further fair housing,” which Newton is obligated to do by virtue of the fact that it receives federal funds for housing. And if Newton will redesign its zoning ordinance to encourage the creation of affordable housing by allowing multi-family by right housing village centers and public transportation, the City can tap into additional funding to support the creation of affordable housing by CHODOs (Community Housing Development Organizations) and CDCs (Community Development Corporations), as well as through special permits and 40Bs for private development of affordable housing, Newton can, in fact, promote the availability of affordable housing. To sit and do nothing is to neither fulfill the City’s obligation to affirmatively furthering fair housing nor to create more affordable housing opportunities. Your comments suggest that “you for yours” and you want to close the door behind you to new, lower income residents. Either way, though, you are not supporting fair housing as I have outline it in this post.
*you got yours*
My comment was made with good intentions…a different take on a narrative that I support – fair housing. While I do not expect everyone to agree, and respect different points of view, I also do not expect to be insulted. Not a way to build support and consensus; quite the contrary.
@Matt, you only seem to support half of the purpose of the Fair Housing Act. I am trying to clarify whether you support the other half or not, which is actively promoting diversity by expanding equal housing opportunity in Newton for people of all income levels, abilities, race, ethnicity, religion, family status, source of funds, sexual orientation and gender identity. And one of the ways we can do that is to convert exclusionary zoning to inclusive zoning, including multi-family zoning, particularly in and around village centers. If you support that then I misread your comment, for which I apologize.
Matt, it is a common misconception regarding the Fair Housing Act. When folks say they support fair housing, it means different things to different people. But the actual law is what Ted says. And is why the city got punished over Engine 6 by the federal govt.
The second half of the fair housing act, the part that Ted talk about in his post above, that’s the part that people gloss over.
@fig, yes, thank you!
What I am trying to say to all of the councilors who stepped outside the rail rather than vote for the Fair Housing Committee Testimonial Resolution, and those who claim they support fair housing but don’t understand what it means, I give you the inimitable words of Inigo Montoya:
“You keep using those words. I don’t think they mean what you think they mean.”