| Newton MA News and Politics BlogOn Tuesday July 4, Newton will be celebrating Independence Day from morning to night with events and activities for all ages at two different locations.

Events for kids age 3 – 12 run from 10 AM – noon at Newton Centre Bowl off Tyler Terrace,  Children and families are invited to join the Patriotic Costume Parade, the Grand Pet Promenade, and the Decorated Bicyle Parade.  Enjoy lots of arts & craft activities and top it off with FREE ICE CREAM! thanks to Cabots Ice Cream.

In the afternoon, Newton’ Fourth of July festivities for the whole family at Ablemarle Playground begin at 1 PM and continue all afternoon and evening until the fireworks extravaganza at 9 PM.

 | Newton MA News and Politics BlogFun kicks off at 1 PM with carnival rides, games, food, live music at the gazebo, open air market, and a visit by the Oscar-Meyer Weinermobile.   You’ll definitely want to see the fabulous Flying High Dogs at 1 PM.

From 6 – 9 PM the Bo and Bill Winiker Band will be playing on the main stage and food trucks will be available so bring your blankets and lawn chairs, have some dinner and enjoy the music.

The grand finale is the fireworks extravaganza.  The fuse gets lit at 9:15 PM, rain or shine