Two years ago, two sisters – Julie and Lisa Leavitt created a wonderful and whimsical Upper Falls attraction called the Martin Poetry Path.
The Martin Conservation Area is a small pocket park on the side of a hill on Circuit Ave in Upper Falls. The Leavitt sisters took this little known neighborhood parkland and turned it into a destination. Julie and Lisa recruited Newton poets to submit their poems, they recruited neighborhood kids to paint rocks, and they created a wonderful little trail up a hill and down the other side lined with twenty poems mounted on posts. The whole effect is just delightful.
Sunday morning at 11 PM the Leavitt sisters will unveil this year’s new batch of poetry from local poets. Come take a stroll in the woods and enjoy some poetry.
The Poetry Path is on the right, a block in from Route 9, on Circuit Ave …. a block away from the Eliot Station pedestrian overpass.
Thank you, Jerry. You have done so much to bring culture to our village and our community. You support us and all others who do our small part.
I am so grateful for you!