For those of you in an “at-risk” group (co-morbidity or over 65 years old), Covid boosters are now available if you are more than four months out from your last shot. Having had a booster last September, I enrolled online yesterday on CVS, site of all my boosters, and made an appointment for that afternoon. First, I had to fill out a health questionnaire online as usual. The hard part?  The question asking me to list the date of my last booster. Fortunately, I remembered to visit the commonwealth’s vaccine site, which stores that information. It didn’t take long:

As for getting the shot itself, no line, little wait, and no problem (Note: I gave myself a rapid test beforehand to ensure I wasn’t ill with Covid when getting the shot). My shoulder is not sore today, nor do I feel any other side effect. What lies ahead? I plan on getting my next booster in the fall, when, we hope, boosters will be even better targeted towards the most prevalent strains of Covid, and may even last for a year. But I am willing to get a shot as often as is recommended by the cognoscenti.

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