Two years ago, two sisters – Julie and Lisa Leavitt created a wonderful and whimsical Upper Falls attraction called the Martin Poetry Path.
The Martin Conservation Area is a small pocket park on the side of a hill on Circuit Ave in Upper Falls. The Leavitt sisters took this little known neighborhood parkland and turned it into a destination. Julie and Lisa recruited Newton poets to submit their poems, they recruited neighborhood kids to paint rocks, and they created a wonderful little trail up a hill and down the other side lined with twenty poems mounted on posts. The whole effect is just delightful.
They are now recruiting for this year’s batch of poetry submissions. Anybody can submit their poem by emailing either [email protected] (Lisa) or [email protected] (Julie) sometime before the May 10 deadline. Both experienced poets and beginners are welcome to submit. The 2023 path will open in June and you poets will be invited to come read your poem in person too if you’re available.
The recently created Upper Falls Loop Trail includes the Martin Poetry Path as part of the route which has been sending a few more walkers up and down the poetry path lately.
p.s. I noticed that one of last years contributors was Village14 regular Sallee Lipshutz.
I also submitted a poem for this year! My problem is that I can’t walk the path! It is too difficult for me to do so. I have to rely on others to tell me that they saw my submission (if selected again this year!). I think the idea is a lovely one and applaud the Leavitt sisters for their efforts!