Want to help build a more sustainable, resilient and localized food economy? The Charles River Food Coop launched last week with an initial membership drive. A member-share is $200, paid once or in installments. But it’s not time to head on over to start shopping just yet. We’re at least a couple years away from a brick-and-mortar store and being able to buy food, so this is more an opportunity to be on a team that builds a food coop for the long term.
An impetus for this effort was the closing of beloved Russo’s in Watertown, which spurred friends in Watertown to initiate this. Meanwhile, a group of Newton residents had made concerted efforts to start a coop for several years, driven by a desire to get bulk foods without all the single use plastic packaging. The coop is intended to serve worker-owners in Watertown, Waltham, Newton, but is open to anyone. Learn more at https://charlesriverfood.coop/
On the bulk foods sans packaging front— Fulfilled Goods is slated to open soon in Newtonville—across from Whole Foods in Virtuous Teas’ former location!
The Charles River Food Coop (www.charlesriverfood.coop) now has 340 members! I am so excited about this opportunity for Newton, Watertown, and Waltham and encourage Newtonians to sign up today. Their goal is to get 1,000 members and they are already over 1/3 of the way there. I belonged to a Food Coop when I lived in Brattleboro, Vermont and I loved it (similar to how I used to feel when I shopped at Russo’s).
If you have questions, the website indicates that you can email: [email protected] or call: 617-231-9465.
I am excited to be part of such a positive community project!