Per City Councilor Andreae Downs, the City Council newsletter is back. If you are curious about what Council is doing, signup here.
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I look at the Newton City Council’s news in the same way I viewed the Boston Celtics trade deadline this past week… Hoping they do nothing, because doing something means they’ll likely screw it up.
Obviously I’m not a fan of the City Council. In my opinion, they lost their mission years ago and continuously focus on the wrong things. They are far more interested in controlling the lives of their constituents, rather than truly making the city a better place for all. I don’t mean to paint all councilors with the same brush. But as an institution, the City Council absolutely sucks.
And yet Mike, those Celtics trades are looking pretty good right now.
Mike – honest question – what decision has the CC made in the recent past that you disagree with, and what would you have done instead? Going forward, what do you think they should focus on to make Newton a better place for all that isn’t currently being discussed? Specifics would help, beyond phrases like “sensible development”. Thanks and apologies if you’ve already given some answers in historical posts, feel free to link if easier.
Almost no one here on V-14 would ever consider voting for one of those election denying Trumplicans who played a role in undermining the fundamental principle of democracy. Most of us would probably agree that election deniers and those who actively undermine the democratic process should have no place at all in our government.
While I know this is just an opinion, I see very little difference between those in congress who tried to overturn an election, and those on the Newton City Council who did the same thing, albeit for a different end. After the people of Newton voted to legalize medical cannabis in 2012, the [then] Board of Aldermen banned it. After people across the state voted to legalize adult use cannabis in 2016, the City Council banned it. Of 24 councilors, not a single one defended a law that was passed by their constituents at the ballot box.
I have plenty of other reasons to feel that the City Council has lost their mission. This city used to be a leader, and now we are a follower. Newton should have been the tip of the spear in eliminating the racist zoning laws that some members of the Council still cling to. This city should have been the first to require that new construction be heated by electricity rather than oil or gas. Our police officers should have body cameras for their own protection as well as the public’s. I could go on and on…
As a footnote, it would be grossly unfair of me to paint all City Council members with the same brush. There are several members who were not on the Council when they overturned the 2016 ballot initiative that legalized cannabis. At least two current members, Alicia Bowman and Bill Humphrey, were not on the Council at the time, and spoke out in support of the voters. I will always respect them for taking that stand against those on the Council who sought to undermine democracy by overturning the results of an election.
Mandating home heating by electricity is not a good idea, so I am certainly happy that Newton is not leading on this point. Given our current energy mix, it does little to help the environment, while introducing serious safety problems during power outages, and placing additional strain on the grid.