From the city website: Are you between the ages of 18-24, living in Newton and need help finding employment? The City of Newton in partnership with MassHire Metro South/West Career Centers and the Charles River Chamber is offering a cash incentive for any unemployed or underemployed individual who secures employment of up to 20 hours/week or more with a qualifying Newton employer. In addition to employment and a cash incentive, young people from 18-24 years old are eligible to receive individualized employment coaching and professional/job skill training through a partnership with Newton Youth Services and MassHire. Call or email Meghan Murtagh, Assistant Director of Youth Services at 617-796-1436 or [email protected] to apply or learn more about this program.

Are you between the ages of 18 24 living in Newton and need help finding employment The City of Newton in partnership with MassHire Metro SouthWest Career Centers and the Charles River Chamber is offering a cash incentive for any unemployed or underemployed individual who secures employment of up to 20 hoursweek or more with a qualifying Newton employer  In addition to employment and a cash incentive young people from 18 24 years old are eligible to receive individualized employment coaching and professionaljob skill training through a partnership with Newton Youth Services and MassHire   Call or email Meghan Murtagh Assistant Director of Youth Services at 617 796 1436 or mmurtaghnewtonmagov to apply or learn more about this program