| Newton MA News and Politics Blog

Photo credit: Barry Chin/Globe Staff

Today’s Boston Globe featured a front page story by Janelle Nanos about Newton born Abbie Richards who’s using the power of TikTok, comedy, and entertainment to focus public interest on climate change.

Her Tik-Tok, off beat, short form videos have racked up millions of views

Says the Globe “Richards, who holds an environmental science degree and is pursuing a master’s in climate studies, is a founder of EcoTalk, a group of 17 scientists, meteorologists, and conservationists who are brainstorming  and testing ideas for educational content that viewers want to both watch and share.   ‘So much of climate communication is the same thing over and over again: alarmism, alarmism, alarmism’ Richard said.  Too much of that can discourage people from wanting to actually do anything’ she said””

Abbie grew up in Newton and now lives in Boston.  We’ll still claim her as Newtonite though … especially since she’s the daughter of Village14’s own Gail Spector