All candidates running for contested seats in the upcoming election were invited to submit a post in support of their candidacy to Village14.  This is Debra Waller’s.

 | Newton MA News and Politics BlogMy name is Debra Waller and I am running for the office of Ward 5 City Councilor.  

I’ve lived in Newton with my husband and two children for 27 years. Newton is a wonderful place to raise a family and we have much to be thankful for. Newton voters, however, are often voting on important issues without being fully informed – because many of the processes at City Hall lack basic transparency. This has given rise to a deep political division in Newton.  

My 32-year career in mechanical engineering and in financial market risk has given me the ability to acquire and present facts and data in an accessible and complete manner to all stakeholders. My pledge, if elected to the City Council, is to inform and be informed by residents as directly and simply as possible – so that the resident stakeholders of Newton can make the best decisions for our city, and I can help to execute those decisions.  

My three primary issues are the rezoning, police reform, and public process integrity. To read more about my positions in detail, visit my website Please vote for me on November 2nd to be your Ward 5 City Councilor.