The following is an email that was sent to families from Newton North Principal Henry Turner:
Incidents of hateful graffiti are rare at Newton North, but unfortunately, they do happen in our school. We are committed to sharing information with you about these incidents as soon as we can.
Today a student discovered Islamophobic graffiti in a bathroom stall in the 3rd-floor girls bathroom near room 358. This demonstration of hate is a violation of our core values as a school and as a school community, we reject these comments.
As I reflect on the 20th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, we cannot forget about the significant increase in Anti-Muslim sentiment that transpired after the attacks as well. This hateful act is a painful reminder that we not only need to be vigilant about these incidents but also help our students understand the deep fear and pain that members of our Muslim community have experienced over the past 20 years.
Our deans will be investigating this incident, in alignment with our NPS Non-Discrimination protocol. All hate incidents are reported to the Newton Police in accordance with our partnership with the City of Newton to address hate incidents and crimes. If any student has any information about this incident, please reach out to your dean immediately.
Additionally, as part of our school protocol, our deans will discuss the incident with the NNHS Human Rights Council to discuss steps moving forward to ensure all students and communities feel welcome and supported at our school.
Please join me in support of our Muslim students and families.
Disappointing to hear of this incident. But the response seems robust and I appreciate your posting this, Chuck.
Thanks for bring awareness and not tolerate hate in Newton. We are such a diverse town. I want my kids to grow up right!
We have a lot of work to do.